Insolation: The amount of solar radiation that reaches a given area
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Light is reflected…. The wavelength does not change
Albedo: A Measure of How Well a Surface Reflects Light
Heat vs Temperature
Latent Heat: Heat released or absorbed when a substance changes state
When water evaporates, it takes up heat (cooling the local environment). When water vapor condenses, it releases latent heat, heating up the local environment, usually the air. See more at: storms-and-cooling.html#sthash.qQ59mhEq.dpuf
Evaporation is used to cool the bodies of many animals. Sweat evaporating from the skin makes it possible for us to deal with hot weather. On a hot day in dry weather, a person can lose more than a liter of water by evaporation of sweat. Think of the amount of heat it would take to boil away a liter of water. cooling.html#sthash.qQ59mhEq.dpuf
Specific Heat = the energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of material by 1 °C (1.8°F)
Summer Temperature How do coastal temperatures compare with inland temperatures?
Winter Temperature How do coastal temperatures compare with inland temperatures?
Electromagnetic Spectrum UV Light is one form of energy the Earth receives from the sun. UV has a shorter wavelength than visible, and is energetic enough to cause sun burns, skin cancer and other problems.
UVC, the ultraviolet light with the shortest wavelength is completely removed by ozone. Most of UVB (the second most energetic) is absorbed. sunscreen/_jcr_content/mainContent/columnsbootstrap/column0/textimage_0/image.img.jpg/ jpg
Without the ozone layer, life on Earth would not survive.
Ozone constantly forms and breaks down in the stratosphere as it absorbs UV
Products that Contain Ozone Destroying Chemicals
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The Montreal Protocol is an international treaty signed in 1987 to phase out the use of chemicals that damage ozone in the stratosphere.
Heat is Transferred by 3 Methods: Radiation Convection Conduction
Light from the sun contains all wavelengths of the visible spectrum. Wavelengths can be absorbed, reflected, or scattered.
The sky appears blue because blue light is scattered by gases in the air.
Some clouds appear white because the tiny droplets of water or ice crystals scatter all wavelengths of light. All the wavelengths combined (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) create white light.
Some clouds appear dark because they are too thick to allow all light to pass through.
Rainbows are visible when water droplets refract light. Each wavelength (color) is bent (refracted) a different amount.
Earth’s Energy Budget What happens to energy from the sun when it enters Earth’s atmosphere?
High Albedo Surfaces Reflect Much of the Light Which Strikes It
What happens to the Earth’s energy budget as polar ice caps shrink?