Supporting Open Access Implementation via CRIS/repository interoperability Pablo de Castro euroCRIS Board member Open Access Project Officer at LIBER
The EC/OpenAIRE Gold Open Access Pilot (OpenAIRE2020 WP5)
The Gold OA Pilot: Some Basic Facts (I) EUR 4m funding provided by the EC to support Open Access publications from post-grant FP7 projects finished no longer than 2 years ago. Maximum of three publications per project to be funded (research articles, monographs, book chapters, contributions to conference proceedings) which meet the requirements described in the Pilot policy guidelines (to be shortly released). No publications in hybrid journals will be funded, only in fully Open Access titles. A €2,000 funding cap is in place. Pilot (soft) launched beginning of May A central funding request system available at the OpenAIRE portal, for collecting requests from eligible FP7 projects, which researchers will be able to deliver either directly or via their institution.
The Gold OA Pilot: Some Basic Facts (II) A pool of European institutions covering all OpenAIRE regions will work with LIBER during the Pilot kick-off stage in order to align their strategies for reaching out to eligible FP7 project researchers and their OA publishing workflows (including APC management). The results of the work carried out by these institutions will be presented and discussed at the LIBER 2015 Annual Conference in London, where a Gold OA Pilot workshop will be held, There will be specific Gold OA Pilot outreach activities for the OpenAIRE NOADs in order to benefit from their collaboration for the Pilot dissemination and implementation More information on the Pilot, its planned workflows and its policy guidelines to be released soon. For collecting up-to-date news, please register with the Gold OA Pilot Newsletter at
The Gold OA Pilot: Central Funding Request System
The Gold vs Green OA Conflict Can Be Avoided
System interoperability (beyond CRIS/IR): the key concept Publications Full Text Repository Open Access Linked Activities University of St Andrews CRIS (Pure) Fed Out REF, RCUK SFC, HESA HEI – Strategic Planning, Benchmarking Public, Media Recognition / Impact Industry / SME’s Interface Collaborations Research Pools Pulled In Staff Records [HR] Student Records [Registry] University Structure [HR] Projects, Grants, KT [Finance] Manual Input Entered WoS, arXiv, PubMed, Scopus… Harvested Bibtex, Refman Uploaded Award / recognition Dissemination / Engagement Research data sets (multiple locations and formats) Impact Indicators Measures Case Studies
COAR Repository Observatory release (Oct'14): "7 things you should know about CRISs, IRs and their interoperability"
Specific areas where CRIS/IR interoperability may very usefully be applied
PASTEUR4OA: Aligning European Open Access Policies
PASTEUR4OA Knowledge Net
PASTEUR4OA National Case Studies
PASTEUR4OA European-Wide Case Study
“PASTEUR4OA European-Wide Case Study
Some statistics about national repository networks: not just about IR numbers
CRIS/IR interoperability at national level a potential game-changer for OA implementation
CRIS/IR interoperability at national level the Norwegian way
What if Open Access to full-text publications could be directly offered from the National CRIS where the repository network is not sufficiently strong?... the same interoperability concept could be applied to research data?
CRIS/IR interoperability at national level the Czech way
Linking the Full-Text Version from the National CRIS
Updated OpenAIRE Figures
Take-home message An effective communication and collaboration need to take place between the Open Access (OA) and the Research Information Mgt (RIM) communities in order to explore the synergies between them Best practices are already happening that can be learnt from
Thanks! Pablo de Castro euroCRIS Board member Open Access Project Officer at LIBER