Jim Haywood - Product Manager for Statutory Returns School Census Summer 2015 Overview Keywords: CENSUS CENSUS15
Main changes 1.This is the last of the Censuses in the DfE cycle for 2014/15 2.The changes are limited to those already made for the Autumn and Spring Censuses, except for the introduction of Childcare questions NB: Collects the least pupil characteristics and is therefore most prone to DfE Validation Error 9999 (module is missing) - normally indicates missing First Language School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Collection Dates School Census Summer 2015 Overview With the exception of School Dinners Taken, the Census Reference Date must always be the third Thursday in May
Collection Dates School Census Summer 2015 Overview Attendance is collected for the previous term
Collection Dates School Census Summer 2015 Overview Exclusions are collected for two terms previous
Collection Dates School Census Summer 2015 Overview Eligibility for FSM is collected for the day after the previous Census up to and including the day of the current Census
Collection Dates School Census Summer 2015 Overview Learner Support is collected for the first possible day of the Academic Year up to and included the Census Day
Update Hours for Early Years Relevant age at dates included School Census Summer 2015 Overview All relevant age at dates have been provided for reference purposes
School Dinners Taken Included in the Summer Census for the first time School Census Summer 2015 Overview This is the only place where a reference day other than the 21 st May can be used and schools need a reason for doing so, e.g. the kitchen burnt down
Copy Census Modified message - to emphasise that panels with “views” on SIMS data are not copied School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Late change to the DfE specification Lots of Child Care questions have been added As this has been added at such a late stage, we have restricted the supporting functionality to the Census application We are looking to moving this functionality to School Details for a future release. School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Child Care Question Voluntary Schools can leave this table completely empty, but if enough schools do this it might mean less government spending in this area in future School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Our Approach to the Childcare Questions If schools decide to answer the questions they do so by clicking New and creating records for each type of childcare that is relevant. Where childcare information is provided it should be complete and accurate. School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Our Approach to the Childcare Questions A school can indicated up to four types of childcare 1.Before School Childcare (B) 2.After School Childcare (A) 3.Holiday Childcare (H) 4.Under Five Childcare (U) A school can indicate up to three different sites for childcare 1.On Site 2.Off Site, Signposted 3.Off Site, Not Signposted School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Our Approach to the Childcare Questions So in theory a school might have to create up to 12 records, but in practice more than 4 would be very unusual. Records for Off Site childcare have all but the first two questions greyed out School Census Summer 2015 Overview
Before School Childcare, On Site
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Before School Childcare, On Site Is childcare provided on the school premises? If childcare is off site, is it signposted?
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Before School Childcare, On Site Not needed Two questions don’t need to be answered
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Before School Childcare, On Site What time does the service become available?
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Before School Childcare, On Site What is the maximum number of children the service can simultaneously provide places for?
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Before School Childcare, On Site Who provides the childcare service?
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Before School Childcare, On Site Is the service made available to children from other schools?
School Census Summer 2015 Overview After School Childcare, On Site Not needed Two questions don’t need to be answered
School Census Summer 2015 Overview After School Childcare, On Site What time does the service cease operation?
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Holiday Childcare, On Site All questions to be answered
School Census Summer 2015 Overview Holiday Childcare, On Site How many weeks of childcare are provided?
School Census Summer 2015 (Spring Release) Under Five Childcare, On Site All questions to be answered
School Census Summer 2015 (Spring Release) All Possible Types and Sites for Childcare As you can see our design can handle the unlikely case where all types, sites and signposting for childcare exist
Moving Childcare Question to School Details When we move this functionality to its permanent home in School Details we aren’t intending to store any form of history. School Census Summer 2015 (Spring Release)
DfE Validation DfE have not yet provided suppliers with XSL file used for validation Leaving the 2014 versions of the files in place causes confusion, so we are displaying the following when Create & Validate is run. School Census Summer 2015 (Spring Release) We will provide the DfE Validation as soon as possible after the point where the DfE provide the XSL file to us
DfE Summary Report DfE have not yet provided suppliers with XSL file used for this report Leaving the 2014 versions of the files in place causes confusion, so we are displaying the following when the Summary Report is run. School Census Summer 2015 Overview We will provide the DfE Summary Report as soon as possible after the point where the DfE provide the XSL file to us
Thank you for your time