Billet Based Distribution Overview PERS-4013: February 2015
BBD Basic Info and Desired Effects Modernization of the enlisted distribution system; provides ability to place sailors into jobs (BSCs) like officer distribution. BBD resides within the Career Management System – Interactive Detailing (CMS-ID) System New personnel management screens Sailors will see few changes to display CMS-ID negotiation process will not change A tool to improve enlisted manning efficiency and command management of their personnel; also provide an accurate demand signal to NPC.
BBD Desired Effects Transparency Distribution Efficiency Timeliness Access to accurate/detailed enlisted manning information in one system Provides visibility to all alignments, vacant positions, and excess Sailors (including students and transients) Allows command and fleet level users to view basic and “deep-dive” reports Distribution Efficiency Provides a Quality of Alignment (QoA) score for each alignment. System designed to improve QoA scores across the Navy over time. Timeliness Allows fleet personnel managers access to the most current info available Ease of Use Eliminates the need for managing the cumbersome Enlisted Distribution Verification Report (EDVR); function will be handled via the BBD More intuitive system for novice and expert personnel managers Interactive with delivery of full operational capability (Phase 1c)
Benefits of BBD (Personnel Management) The demand signal provided to NPC will be the same demand used for computation of Fit/Fill and DRRS-N. All requirements will be available for distribution action Navy Manning Plan will no longer be used for requisition generation New Requisition Prioritization Tool (replacing EPRES) will drive the “right” billets to be taken for distribution action (less manual intervention) More effective use of scarce resources Personnel, PCS and TDI funds, school quotas/pipelines 4
Current Requisition System vs. BBD Requisition System Current Inventory Driven System “BBD” Vacancy Driven System FIT Measured to BA, Assignments based on BA, Balanced by Available Inventory Unit FIT Measured to BA, Assignments based on NMP
Development/Delivery Strategy Delivery in phases to support iterative development and funding line Phase 1A: (All-Navy Alignment Capability) Placed into production CMS-ID environment in April 2013 Not available for command use, used for prototyping and developing processes Phase 1B: (Alignment Sustainment and Requisition) Delivery scheduled for end of FY2015. Billet level requisition delivered Manual alignment over-ride capability Fleet facing; development of various user roles Detailed reports using canned and /ad hoc reporting capability Phase 1C: (Full Fleet Interactive Capability) Functional Requirements Document in development, planned for completion FEB15. Provides full user interactive capability within CMS-ID/BBD framework Provides an “alignment simulation model” or “what if?” capability for users 6
Training and Implementation Training will be provided to command level users, starting mid CY2015. Via: BBD User Guide, “New EDVR” manual to support manning verification process, Computer Based Training Aids, training topics on PERS-4013’s webpage, Fleet Engagement Trips, and hosted training events at NPC. ISIC N1 and TYCOM N1 staffs will get additional training. Implementation Plan: Policy updates to support new capability are currently in work Command baseline setting for every Navy activity will commence July 2015*. Each Command’s Placement Coordinator (PERS-4013) will initiate this process All commands will have a preliminary baseline set one month before BBD is deployed and will have one month to finalize when BBD goes “live” (September 2015*). First BBD requisition scheduled to be advertised in CMS-ID one month after deployment (October 2015*). * Dates based upon execution of current test schedule, as of 13FEB2015
Activity Manning Manager Command daily/weekly/monthly tasks will be determined over the next few months with update of the EDVR manual. Anticipated tasks: Review of billet/sailor changes (flags) Review of unaligned sailors Request manual re-alignments Prior to monthly re-alignment and requisition, review alignments that will generate requisitions DNEC review may impact alignments/closed loop personnel, NEC Fit Review of prospective gain/loss reports Review of gapped NEC reports Management of special pays Review PRD accuracy 8
How Can the Fleet Help? Ensure Activity Manning Documents are accurate. As funding allows, send ISIC and command teams to NPC/Millington next year for planned training sessions (this summer) or attend virtual training events. Complete PERSMARS and PERSMAR SITREPS on time Ensure DNECs are correct Ensure NECs are awarded and show in system correctly Fix incorrect or blank PRDs Prepare for initial baseline work Identify single command POC for baseline effort Start engaging with PERS-4013 Placement Coordinator now They can provide an Excel extract of BBD 1A before baseline starts Think billet level alignments!
More Information To find out more about BBD: Contact your command’s Placement Coordinator (PC) in PERS-4013 Contact Mr. Scott Barbier (PERS-4013)/BBD Functional Lead 901-874-4126 or Contact your TYCOM N1 staff Access to Phase 1A is authorized for ISIC enlisted personnel managers: For access, contact your PC or Mr. Barbier directly