NACI’s Medium-Term Policy Programme Presentation by Prof Cheryl de La Rey Chairperson National Advisory Council on Innovation Date: 10 February NACI’s Medium-Term Advice Programme Presentation by Dr Azar Jammine National Advisory Council on Innovation to The Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology Date: 22 April 2015
2 Purpose of the Presentation is to update the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology on the NACI’s Planned Advice Programme in the Medium and Short Term
NACI Mandate NACI’s mandate is to: NACI has to adhere to its Terms of Reference: –Display an understanding of government priorities and policies in relation to the NSI; –After consultation with the Minister for Science and Technology, advice on priorities and agenda setting for STI; “…advise the Minister for Science and Technology and through the Minister, the Minister’s Committee and Cabinet on the role and contribution of science, mathematics, innovation and technology, including indigenous technologies, in promoting and achieving national objectives”. 3
Level 1 High-Level Policy Level 2 Policy and Strategy Divisions Level 3 Institutional Expert Bodies in the NSI Innovation Individual Experts E.g. ASSAF, NSTF, HSRC, AISA, CSIR E.g. Ministerial Advisory Council on Energy (to be established) INNOVATION COMMUNITY Individual Sector Experts, Business, Academia, NGOs, Science Councils, Spheres of Government, International community, etc. E.g. National Broadband Advisory Council; National Cyber Security Advisory Council Council on Higher Education National Advisory Council on Innovation Department of Higher Education & Training Department of Science & Technology Department of Trade & Industry Department of Telecommunicati ons & Postal Services Department of Energy Department of Small Business Development etc Department of Health E.g. Medical Research Council Presidency National Planning Commission PCAS E.g. National Small Business Advisory Council The Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory System 4
Vision is for a: –A well coordinated NSI in which science, technology and innovation are recognised as the primary drivers of economic and social development which enables South Africa to participate in the global knowledge economy. Mission is : –To serve as the premier advisory body to the Minister and government on STI matters 5 NACI’s Vision and Mission
National Development Plan Sets the long term vision for overall economic and social development in south Africa Integrates economic, social demographic, environmental and governance elements into the coherent framework Outlines proposals to address the triple challenge of reducing poverty, unemployment and equality Vision 2030 Alignment to National Objectives
The Advisory Role in Support of the NDP 8
The Ministry has responded favourably to the review recommendations, particularly in respect of NACI by inter alia: Providing for a CEO position at the NACI Secretariat, able to report to the Minister; Acknowledging NACI’s coordination role and appointing a high-level business representation on the Council; The inclusion of COHORT representation on the Council; and Terms of Reference were developed for NACI defining its relationship with government. Response by the Ministry for S&T to the Reviews 9
Strategic Outcomes & Priorities 10 The coordination and stimulation of the national system of innovation The coordination of science and technology policy and strategies with policies and strategies in other sector The establishment and maintenance of information systems to support science technology and innovation policy Investigating developments in the fields of science, technology and innovation which might require new legislation Establish NACI as the premier institution for proving rapid response STI advice Facilitate agenda setting for prioritisation of science, technology and innovation in order to achieve coordination and stimulate the NSI Advise on conducive framework conditions for STI in order to contribute to economic growth Monitor and evaluate the contribution of STI to South Africa’s economic growth and competitiveness Facilitate agenda setting for prioritisation of science, technology and innovation in order to achieve coordination and stimulate the NSI Functions of NACI in terms of Section 4 of the Act NACI Strategic Goals
Linkages: Strategic Priorities, Objectives and Outputs Facilitate agenda setting STI To provide advice to the Minister and Cabinet on medium to long-term priorities for STI A framework for a “Decadal Plan”Stakeholder consultation Advice on conducive framework conditions for STI To review the White Paper on Science and Technology and associated strategies A discussion document on the review report of the White Paper on Science and Technology Stakeholder consultation Monitor and evaluate the STI contribution to South Africa’s economic growth and competitiveness To conduct a review of a state of Innovation in South Africa An innovation ScorecardA framework for an Innovation PortalState of National Innovation Report Establish NACI as a premier institution for providing rapid response advice To develop and implement rapid response advisory system Rapid response manual Rapid response advice Uptake of advice 11
Thrust of the APP and Strat-plan A work programme focused on the NSI and national government objectives; An advisory work programme that is responsive to need (underpinned by consultative processes) 12
Thrust of the APP and Strat-plan A work programme focused on the NSI and national government objectives; An advisory work programme that is responsive to need (underpinned by consultative processes) 13
NACI has recently delivered policy advice on: Gender Mainstreaming in the STI Strengthening Skills in Mathematics, Science and Technology Up-scaling innovative solutions in support of SMMEs Infrastructure for Research and Innovation Assessment of the National Innovation System (STI Indicators) Policies and legislations affecting the implementation of the Bioeconomy Strategy A “Refocused NSI” and better alignment with the NDP Recent Achievements 14
A framework for a decadal plan; A feed back report on the White Paper review process; X3 rapid advice on pertinent issues; An Innovation Scorecard; A framework (model) for an innovation portal An STI indicators Booklet Stakeholder Consultation Annual Advisory Outputs 2015/16 15
Mid-Term Estimated Allocation R’ / / /18 NACI Budget MTEF (R'000) 18,74218,96720,046 Compensation of employees 10,30810,43211,025 Goods and services 8,4348,5359,021 16
Human Resources 2015/16 17