What is Valentines Day?
Valentines Day is a day to express your love, and to celebrate the spirit of love. It is written or other artistic work, message, token, etc., expressing affection for something or someone.
The origin of Valentines day is from the Roman pagan festival of their god, Lupercalia.
Cupids are also called as “The God of Love” shoots arrows at people to make them fall in love.
It is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
VALENTINE’S DAY TODAY Valentines Day creates a lot of hatred and problems between people. Historical Fact: In 1776 the government of France banned from Celebrating valentine.
Today, because of Valentine’s Day people spend a lot of money in buying gifts, buying clothes and wasting their money in food.
There are lot of poor people around the world, who starve to death everyday.
People should donate their money to the victims in Haiti who lost their houses, their friends, their family etc, instead of wasting their money in unnecessary things like “VALENTINE”
In Islam, We celebrate Valentines everyday because we love the loved ones every day in different ways. If we love Allah, how can we celebrate a pagan custom When our beloved lord hates paganism more than anything else
Have I ever thought of loving the One Who gave me a heart that can feel love?
Ask Yourselves “How much do I love Prophet Mohammad" who said: By Him in whose hands my life is, none of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father and his children and all mankind (Bukhari)
A Muslim doesn’t do something just because the whole world is doing it. He doesn’t waste his life in useless things. Muslim kaffar Difference between
A Muslims actions are not purposeless. Even his love is meaningful and the expression of love is useful, Since instead of spending thousands on flower, on Eid – Al- Azha meat is provided for the poor and animals skin used for Leather. A Muslim doesn’t do something just because the whole world is doing it. He doesn’t waste his life in useless things.
True love seeks sacrifice and I’ve given it all This, this is true love in it’s purest form My prayer, my sacrifice are only for you. A promise I make To lay my life for You An oath that I worship No-one but you.