Scalable Realtime Analytics with declarative, SQL like, Complex Event Processing Scripts Srinath Perera Director, Research WSO2 Apache Member
(Batch) Analytics Scientists are doing this for 25 year with MPI (1991) on special Hardware Took off with Google’s MapReduce paper (2004), Apache Hadoop, Hive and whole eco system created. It was successful, So we are here!! But, processing takes time.
Value of Some Insights degrade Fast! For some usecases ( e.g. stock markets, traffic, surveillance, patient monitoring) the value of insights degrade very quickly with time. -E.g. stock markets and speed of light We need technology that can produce outputs fast -Static Queries, but need very fast output (Alerts, Realtime control) -Dynamic and Interactive Queries ( Data exploration)
History Realtime Analytics are not new either!! -Active Databases (2000+) -Stream processing (Aurora, Borealis (2005+) and later Storm) -Distributed Streaming Operators (e.g. Database research topic around 2005) -CEP vendor roadmap ( from tooling-market-survey-2014/ ) tooling-market-survey-2014/
Realtime Analytics Tools
I. Stream Processing Program a set of processors and wire them up, data flows though the graph. A middleware framework handles data flow, distribution, and fault tolerance (e.g. Apache Storm, Samza) Processors may be in the same machine or multiple machines
II. Complex Event Processing
III. Micro Batch Process data in small batches, and then combine results for final results (e.g. Spark) Works for simple aggregates, but tricky to do this for complex operations (e.g. Event Sequences) Can do it with MapReduce as well if the deadlines are not too tight.
IV. OLAP Style In Memory Computing Usually done to support interactive queries Index data to make them them readily accessible so you can respond to queries fast. (e.g. Apache Drill) Tools like Druid, VoltDB and SAP Hana can do this with all data in memory to make things really fast.
Realtime Analytics Patterns Simple counting (e.g. failure count) Counting with Windows ( e.g. failure count every hour) Preprocessing: filtering, transformations (e.g. data cleanup) Alerts, thresholds (e.g. Alarm on high temperature) Data Correlation, Detect missing events, detecting erroneous data (e.g. detecting failed sensors) Joining event streams (e.g. detect a hit on soccer ball) Merge with data in a database, collect, update data conditionally
Realtime Analytics Patterns (contd.) Detecting Event Sequence Patterns (e.g. small transaction followed by large transaction) Tracking - follow some related entity’s state in space, time etc. (e.g. location of airline baggage, vehicle, tracking wild life) Detect trends – Rise, turn, fall, Outliers, Complex trends like triple bottom etc., (e.g. algorithmic trading, SLA, load balancing) Learning a Model (e.g. Predictive maintenance) Predicting next value and corrective actions (e.g. automated car)
Apache Hive A SQL like data processing language Since many understand SQL, Hive made large scale data processing Big Data accessible to many Expressive, short, and sweet. Define core operations that covers 90% of problems Lets experts dig in when they like!
(Batch Processing, Hive) (Realtime Analytics, X) What is X?
CEP = SQL for Realtime Analytics Easy to follow from SQL Expressive, short, and sweet. Define core operations that covers 90% of problems Lets experts dig in when they like! Lets look at the core operations.
Operators: Filters Assume a temperature stream Here weather:convertFtoC() is a user defined function. They are used to extend the language. define stream TempStream (ts long, temp double); from TempratureStream [weather:convertFtoC(temp) > 30.0) and roomNo != 2043] select roomNo, temp insert into HotRoomsStream ; Usecases: -Alerts, thresholds (e.g. Alarm on high temperature) -Preprocessing: filtering, transformations (e.g. data cleanup)
Operators: Windows and Aggregation Support many window types -Batch Windows, Sliding windows, Custom windows Usecases -Simple counting (e.g. failure count) -Counting with Windows ( e.g. failure count every hour) from TempratureStream#window.time(1 min) select roomNo, avg(temp) as avgTemp insert into HotRoomsStream ;
Operators: Patterns Models a followed by relation: e.g. event A followed by event B Very powerful tool for tracking and detecting patterns from every (a1 = TempratureStream) -> a2 = TempratureStream [temp > a1.temp + 5 ] within 1 day select a2.ts as ts, a2.temp – a1.temp as diff insert into HotDayAlertStream; Usecases - Detecting Event Sequence Patterns -Tracking - Detect trends
Operators: Joins Join two data streams based on a condition and windows Usecases -Data Correlation, Detect missing events, detecting erroneous data -Joining event streams from TempStream[temp > 30.0]#window.time(1 min) as T join RegulatorStream[isOn == false]#window.length(1) as R on T.roomNo == R.roomNo select T.roomNo, R.deviceID, ‘start’ as action insert into RegulatorActionStream
Operators: Access Data from the Disk Event tables allow users to map a database to a window and join a data stream with the window Usecases -Merge with data in a database, collect, update data conditionally define stream TempStream (ts long, temp double); define table HistTempTable(day long, avgT double); from TempStream #window.length(1) join OldTempTable on getDayOfYear(ts) == && ts > avgT select ts, temp insert into PurchaseUserStream ;
Revisit Patterns Merge with data in a database, collect, update data conditionally Detecting Event Sequence Patterns Detect trends Learning a Model Predicting next value and corrective actions Simple counting Counting with Windows Preprocessing: filtering, transformations Alerts, thresholds Data Correlation, Detect missing events, Joining event streams Tracking
Predictive Analytics Build models and use them with WSO2 CEP, BAM and ESB using upcoming WSO2 Machine Learner Product ( 2015 Q2) Build model using R, export them as PMML, and use within WSO2 CEP Call R Scripts from CEP queries Regression and Anomaly Detection Operators in CEP
Case Study: Realtime Soccer Analysis Watch at:
TFL Traffic Analysis Built using TFL ( Transport for London) open data feeds.
Great, Does it Scale?
Idea 1: Network of CEP Nodes For scaling, we arrange CEP processing nodes in a graph like with stream processing. The Graph can be implemented using an stream processing engine like Apache Storm
Idea II: Compile SQL like Queries to a Network of CEP Nodes from TempStream[temp > 33] insert into HighTempStream; from HighTempStream#window(1h) select max(temp)as max insert into HourlyMaxTempStream;
How do We partition the Data to scale up the Analysis? Lets follow MapReduce Map Reduce does not scale itself, it asks users to break the problem to many small independent problems.
Idea III: Let the Users specify Parallelism Language include parallel constructs: partitions, pipelines, distributed operators Assign each partition to a different node, and partition the data accordingly define partition on TempStream.region { from TempStream[temp > 33] insert into HighTempStream; } from HighTempStream#window(1h) select max(temp)as max insert into HourlyMaxTempStream;
Handling Ordering When the data processed in parallel, output might be generated out of order. Due to lack of a global time, we cannot trigger windows and other time sensitive constructs Solution: the current time needs to be propagated though the graph
Putting Everything Together
WSO2 CEP & Big Data Platform
CEP = SQL for Realtime Analytics Easy to follow from SQL Expressive, short, sweet and fast!! Define core operations that covers 90% of problems Lets experts dig in when they like! And it Scales!!
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