The Nature of Fashion Unit 1
The Nature of Fashion FASHION INVOLVES: – The clothes we wear – The dances we dance – The cars we drive – The way we cut our hair
The Nature of Fashion Fashion – the style or styles of clothing and accessories worn at a particular time by a particular group of people. FASHION CONVEYS A MESSAGE
The Nature of Fashion Customer – Potential purchaser of goods Consumer – user of goods or services
The Nature of Fashion Consumers decide what the fashions will be by accepting or rejecting the styles that are offered.
The Nature of Fashion Style – is the a characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment – the combination of features that makes it unique and different from other garments. T-shirt vs. silk blouse
The Nature of Fashion Some people adopt a style that becomes their own personal style.
The Nature of Fashion Some styles are period styles: Early 1900’s GIBSON GIRL 1920’s FLAPPER ERA
The Nature of Fashion Fashion is a style that gains some popular acceptance. It remains a fashion only as long as it is accepted.
The Nature of Fashion High Fashion - Those styles or designs accepted by a limited group of fashion leaders – the elite who are the first to accept fashion change Haute–couture – (oat-koo-tour) french term for high fashion
The Nature of Fashion Mass fashion or volume fashion – consists of styles that are widely accepted. Moderate to low prices
The Nature of Fashion DESIGN – A specific version or variation of a style Ex. Style – sweatshirt Design – neckline, pockets
The Nature of Fashion To identify the different designs, retailers assign it a style number or number 06/16/issuing-style-numbers-when-you-start- a-new-clothing-line/ Issuing Style Numbers When You Start a New Clothing Line
The Nature of Fashion TASTE – refers to prevailing opinion of what is and what is not attractive and appropriate for a given occasion. Timing plays a part in what is considered good or bad taste
The Nature of Fashion FASHION HAS A CYCLICAL COURSE!!! – Rise Stage – daring and dubious – Culmination stage – gradually accepted, widely accepted – Decline stage – gradually discarded
The Nature of Fashion Classic: Ex Chanel suit, blazers, turtlenecks, loafers, overalls CLASSIC – is a style or design that satisfies a basic need and remains in general fashion acceptance for an extended period of time.
Famous Classics
The Nature of Fashion FAD – a short lived fashion MOST FADS COME AND GO IN A SINGLE SEASON Ex Punk hair do Nehru collar
The Nature of Fashion FOUR COMPONENTS OF FASHION: – Silhouette – Details – Texture – Color
The 1 st Component of Fashion Silhouette – overall outline or contour 3 BASIC FORMS Straight or tubular Bell-shaped or bouffant Bustle or backfullness
The 2 nd Component of Fashion DETAILS – the individual elements that gives a silhouette its form or shape. These include trimmings, skirt, and pant length and width, shoulder, waist and sleeve treatment
Short Skirt Long Skirt
Classic Cut Slim Cut
Skinny Jeans Boot leg Jeans
The 3rd Component of Fashion TEXTURE – the look and feel of material Chiffon Corduroy Leather Suede
Chiffon Leather
The 4th Component of Fashion COLOR – Major consideration for apparel selection, advertising, packaging and store decor
Spring Fashion Week 2015
Principles of Fashion Consumers establish fashions by accepting or rejecting the styles offered.
Principles of Fashion Fashions are not based on price. Successful fashions are found at every price level; not just expensive ones
Principles of Fashion Fashions are evolutionary not revolutionary Fashion change comes as a result of gradual movements from one season to the next.
Principles of Fashion No amount of sales promotion can change the direction in which fashions are moving Ex Women stopped wearing fashionable hats in the 1960’s
Principles of Fashion All fashions end in excess. Ex 18 th century hoopskirts ballooned out over 8 feet wide.
Principles of Fashion Marketing of apparel and accessories to the ultimate consumer. Marketing – a total system of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and place (distribute) products and services to present and potential customers. THE 4 P’S
Principles of Fashion Fashion Business – any business concerned with fashion goods or services.
What jobs can you think of in the Fashion Industry?