“Experience: The Real Teacher” Jennifer Barnes, Director, Externship Program Carolyn Landry, Externship Coordinator
Agency and Judicial Externships Washington D.C. Program Maximum of 12 pass/fail credits apply towards graduation requirements rnshipprogram.aspx
Externship experiences are invaluable on your resume. Placement may assist you in figuring out if you want to engage in a certain type of practice, or not. Extern supervisors know that you are students, so expectations are manageable. Great networking opportunities!
60 hours for each credit earned (required weekly hours will vary depending on the arrangements with your placement supervisor, your schedule, and your number of credits).
All cover letters, resumes, and writing samples (if required) are submitted through “Symplicity” for any externship (except D.C. and Maricopa County Superior Court externships). May apply for externships in the summer if you are on academic probation (not fall or spring).
May apply to as many or as few externships as desired. We recommend that you have someone from Career Services review your cover letter and resume by January 14, 2015 but don’t wait until the last minute. Reviews can be done over winter break.
Do not apply on Symplicity for summer placements unless you plan to earn externship credit. If you plan to volunteer, apply on your own. You must sign an Agreement that you will enroll for credit when you apply on Symplicity. Externship placement is not guaranteed in any semester.
You may begin applying on Symplicity on Thursday, December 18, Deadline to apply for summer externships is noon on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 (except D.C.) Interviews may begin week of January 26th. First place offers from Carolyn will begin Friday, February 20, 2015.
60 hours for each credit earned Three credits averages 14 hours per week for 13 weeks; two credits averages 10 hours per week for 13 weeks. May not apply for an externship if you are on academic probation in the fall/spring semesters.
May work 25% or less of your hours before semester begins, work during fall break, and/or work after classes cease, if necessary. Give yourself blocks of time for working at externship site, such as full days on M and W, or T and Th, or three half days free. Must work at placement site.
You may begin applying on Symplicity on Friday, January 23, Deadline to apply for fall on Symplicity is noon on Monday, February 16, 2015 (except D.C. and Maricopa County Superior Court). Interviews may begin week of February 23 rd. First place offers from Carolyn will begin Tuesday, March 24, 2015.
Agencies/judges will contact Carolyn and not students with offers. (Penalty to accept early). Once student receives offer(s), student has 24 hours to get back to Carolyn with decision. Carolyn tells agency if offer accepted first, then student communicates with supervisor to set up schedules/training, etc.
Once you accept any offer, you are committed to that placement for the semester. (Consider it a semester long job interview.) YOU MAY NOT BACK OUT OF YOUR COMMITMENT ONCE POSITION IS ACCEPTED! If you back out, you will not be allowed to enroll in any other externships or clinics in the future.
Every externship must complete an academic component every semester. Mandatory attendance required at scheduled classes if this is your first externship experience (at ASU).
Beware of potential conflicts before and during application process (current or past employment, family members, etc. ). Examples: Currently work for private defense attorney, now applying to Maricopa County Attorney’s Office; Worked for private firm representing client against state in property dispute, now applying to State Land Department.
Must enroll for 3 or more credits for most judicial externships in Court of Appeals and Ninth Circuit. If applying for Maricopa County Superior Court, please fill out a “Preference Sheet.” Preference sheet is available on website under “Externship Program.” Do not apply on Symplicity. Not all preferences will be granted due to availability.
Once agency/judges get resumes, they are reviewed, and then agencies and some judges will set up interviews directly with students by or phone. Professionalism required at all times. Notify agency/judge if declining offer for interview. Show up on time dressed professionally. Turn your cell phone off, etc. Be prepared to pay for parking.
Majority of interviews are at agency/judge’s office. Some interviews are held on campus. Recommend that you bring a copy of a writing sample with you to give to interviewer(s). Do your best to not miss any classes for interviews.
Secure government or non-profit agency placement and live in D.C. Earn up to twelve credits for externship. Enroll in one or two classes (three graded credits each) taught by faculty member in fall, sometimes spring, but not summer.
Must secure own housing ($ /mo.). Placement may require background check. Submit completed on-line application to Carolyn Landry if interested in a DC externship. shingtondclegalexternshipprogram.aspx
For more information, or questions, contact: Jennifer Barnes, Director, Externship Program, at or call ; or: Carolyn Landry, Program Coordinator at or call