1 Mid Day Meal Scheme Ministry of HRD Government of India PAB-MDM Meeting – Tamil Nadu
Review of Implementation of MDMS in TAMIL NADU (Primary + Upper Primary) ( to ) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
ISSUES Less utilization of Transport Assistance (25%); Payment upto September 2014 only. High Mismatch of data in AWP&B and MIS Web portal. To carry out Social audit by an Institute is yet to be finalized. MPR not submitted. Slow pace of completion of Kitchen-cum-stores (57%). Non provision of Kitchen-cum-stores to 8056 Govt aided schools. MI reported : Storage bins were not seen in any of the schools. The stock of rice and pulses is kept in the same gunny bags in which they received the food grains in Madurai, Theni & Dindigul. In most cases, the food grain was not of Grade ‐ A quality in Madurai, Theni Cash payment made to cook cum helpers in Theni & Dindigul The number of cooks and helpers are quite inadequate to meet the requirements in some of the schools due to vacancies in Madurai, Theni Health check ‐ up is not being done for cook ‐ cum ‐ helpers in any of the schools in Madurai, Theni & Dindigul
ISSUES No standard gadgets/equipments are used by the cook/organizer for measuring the quantity of food. The nutritional and calorific value are not being measured in any of the school The weekly menu and MDM logo is not displayed at a prominent place noticeable to community. Parents or community participation was reportedly unsatisfactory. No school had roster being maintained by the community members for supervision of the MDM. There is no proper grievance Redressal mechanism for MDM in schools in all visited 3 districts.
District MADURAI In PUMS LKB Nagar the food grains are delivered in a different place which is 3 km away from the school. The cook or the organizer brings the food grains to school every day for cooking. The health card is maintained only in 13 schools. Health check up happens once in a year LPG connection has been set up in few schools but gas cylinder has not been provided yet. 17 schools were reported that utensils used for cooking are inadequate Most schools in Madurai district had toilets that require better maintenance. Hygienic practices are not prompted by the teachers or organizers. None of the schools have a wastage bin to dispose the food wastages In Corporation P.S. Chokkikulam), MDM cooking cost is not being received on time. The organizer spends her money to purchase oil, vegetables, etc District wise MI findings
THENI DISTRICT In PUPS Arasadi and PUPS Indira Nagar, the food grains are delivered at organizers house (same organizer for both the schools) which is 10 km away from the school. The cook travels every week to organizers house in public transport to bring the food grains to school. The children accept the meal, they are feeling bored with the same kind of menu that is being followed Most schools in Theni district had toilets that require better maintenance. The toilets are in usable condition. DINDIGUL DISTRICT In PUPS Karuvelampatti, the food grains are delivered at a place (down the hill) 10 km away from school. There is no proper transportation to carry the stock to the school. Every week the school HM arranges a van (personally) to get the stock from that place. In most cases, the food grain was not of Grade ‐ A quality.
Best Practices Variety Meals introduced in all Districts Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation supplies rice, dhal, oil and salt at the doorsteps of the Noon Meal Centers in order to ensure quality and quantity. Dedicated Staff in Noon meal Centers : In each Noon Meal Centre an Organizer, one cook and one cook assistant are employed for the implementation of the scheme. The Noon Meal Employees are provided with Special Time Scale of Pay. Their salary is credited to the respective employees bank account through ECS. All retired Noon Meal Employees are provided with a monthly pension of Rs. 1000/-. During retirement the organizer is given with Rs. 50,000/- and Cook & Cook Assistant with Rs. 20,000/- as lumpsum payment. In addition a sum of Rs. 10,000/- is provided as Special Provident Fund. In addition they are also provided with Festival Advance. New Initiatives: 4 set of school Uniforms, school Bags and Geometry box are provided for the children out of State funds for enhancing enrolment.
Cont.. Eggs are served to all children from 1st std to 10th std on all 5 working days. Colouring scheme for eggs for each day of the week, with impression “Tamil Nadu Arasu” to prevent pilferage and staleness. Banana weighing 100 gms is provided for non egg eating Rs per banana. 20 gms of Black Bengal gram / Green gram is provided to children taking into consideration the present day protein, vitamins and calorific needs of the children. 20 gms of boiled potatoes on all Fridays to supplement carbohydrates. Double Fortified Salt is used for cooking in order to prevent the children from Iodine deficiency thereby eradicating goiter. To facilitate the cooking process involved in the variety meals, all the Noon Meal Centres have been provided with mixies. As a special initiative millet programme was introduced to children in Ariyalur and Perambalur Districts.
Coverage : Enrolment Vs Achievement (Pry) No. of Children ( in lakhs) 90% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 87% ASER, Mid-day meal served in schools on day of visit in 99.8% schools. ASER, % Enrolled children were present (Average) on the day of visit in schools
Coverage : Enrolment Vs Achievement (U. Pry) No. of Children (in lakhs) 88% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 86% ASER, Mid-day meal served in schools on day of visit in 99.8% schools. ASER, % Enrolled children were present (Average) on the day of visit in schools
Performance Score Card Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
TN-Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Comparison of Data: AWP&B vs MIS COMPONENT MISAWP&B Institutions covered Working Days Coverage of children CCH engaged CCH Hon. (Rs. in Lakhs) Cooking Cost (Rs. in Lakhs) Drinking water Toilet Facility LPG
Analysis of State’s Proposal for Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India S. No ComponentPAB Approval State Proposal Recommended by Appraisal Team 1Children (Pry) Children (U Pry) NCLP Drought Pry Nil 5Drought U.Pry Nil 6Working Day (Pry & U Pry) NCLP 220 – Pry & U Pry 312-NCLP 51 Drought 220 – Pry & 220-U Pry 312-NCLP 220 – Pry & 220-U Pry 312-NCLP 7Kitchen cum StoreNil 8Cook cum Helper No additional 9Kitchen Devices6032 (addl. Req) 8526 (R) FY (R) FY (R) FY MMERs CrRs. 9.94Cr. 11Notional Funds (Recurring & Non Recurring ) AllocationRs Cr Last year approved allocation Rs Crore
Proposals for : Children (Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Recommendation by Appraisal team
Proposals for : Children (Upper Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Recommendation by Appraisal team
Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank you Dining Hall in Tripura
Component-wise Performance under Primary Stage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Payment of Honorarium to Cook cum Helpers paid up to December 2014
Component-wise Performance under Upper Primary Stage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage Institutions : Existing Vs Achievement (Pry) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Institutions 100% ASER, MDM was served in 99.8% schools on the day of visit.
Coverage Institutions : Existing Vs Achievement (U. Pry) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Institutions 100% ASER, MDM was served in 99.8% schools on the day of visit.
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Working Days 97% Coverage : Working Days Approval Vs Achievement Primary (first 3 qtr) 97% 4 days not covered due to general elections
FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs. UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Quantity in MTs 78% 75% 68%
Foodgrains : Opening Balance, Allocation & Lifting ( to ) Foodgrains (in Thousand MTs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 75% 53%
Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI upto Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakh ) 100% As per FCI statement the outstanding position against issue of foodgrains upto is Rs lakh (46%)
COOKING COST: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakh 69%72% 71% State Government is providing additional contribution of Rs. 3.81for primary and Rs for upper primary towards cooking cost.
Honorarium to Cooks-cum-Helpers as on Rs. In Lakh Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 81% Central Share in allocation : Lakh State Share in allocation : 3844 Lakh Central Share in allocation : Lakh State Share in allocation : 3844 Lakh
MME: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakhs 81% 74% 73%
Transportation Assistance : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakhs 25% 62% 30% Payment of Bills for transportation upto Sept The collection of the bills from the TNCSC is in process.
Achievement up to (Kitchen cum Stores) Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 31 Total Sanctioned : Kitchen Cum Stores As per ASER report 2014, In 97.5% schools Kitchen sheds were available.
Achievement up to (Kitchen Devices) Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Total Sanctioned : units including units for replacement
Availability of Infrastructure ASER data Usable toilets for girls 68.7%. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Availability in % schools
Coverage : School Health Programme No. of Institutions Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 71% IFA Distributed in 35% Schools De-worming 35% Schools schools
Coverage : School Health Programme No. of Children in Lakh Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 92% 97% 102% Distribution of spectacles to Children Total Enrolment (Pry & U.Pry) 92%83%
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of institutions (Govt & LB schools) Sanctioned Constructed through convergence Gap Additional Proposal NIL Saturated 8056 Govt. Aided Schools Proposal awaited Nil8056Awaited Note:- The Govt. will submit the proposal for 8056 Kitchen –cum-Stores for Govt. Aided. Schools shortly to Govt. of India.
Proposal for Procurement of Kitchen Devices Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 9615 units are eligible for replacement sanctioned in No. of institutions Sanctioned (Including Replacement) Procured through convergence Additional requirement State Proposal for replacement NIL9615 Total Sanctioned : units including units for replacement
Pre requisite steps for submission of AWP & B Plan should be approved by SSMC MeetingYes Release of funds through e-transfer from State / District to at least 50% schools. Yes 100% 100% payment of cost of food grains shall be made to FCI up to previous month of PAB meeting. 100% clearance of pending bills of previous years, if any. Yes 100% 100% payment of honorarium shall be made to cook-cum- helpers on monthly basis up to the previous month of the PAB meeting through e-transfer to their bank accounts. Yes 100% Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY should be completed up to the previous month of the PAB meeting. Annual 98% Monthly 88% Avg. upto Dec 14 Emergency Medical Plan should be in place on the lines of the contingency plan of Odisha, which has already been shared with all States/UTs. Yes
Contd…. Contd…. Plan should also be submitted through MDM-MIS portalNo Action taken note on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of Yes Action taken note on findings of reports of Monitoring InstituteYes Action plan for the testing of food samples, Number of food samples tested by accredited labs and findings. Engaged King Institute Gindy. Chennai Separate and detailed MMEYes Plan should be submitted duly signed by the Pr. Secretary / Secretary of the State/UT within the scheduled date Yes
Suggestions. The State Government requests Government of India to extend the programme to children studying in IX & X also.
It may be Painted at prominent Places on the outside wall of the school. It may be Painted at prominent Places on the outside wall of the school. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India The MDM Logo should be Widely Publicized The MDM Logo should be Widely Publicized.
Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank you Dining Hall in Tripura