GAME PLAN for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes: A Toolkit for Health Care Professionals and Teams
GAME PLAN: Why Screen for and Treat Prediabetes? Benefits for individuals and health systems include: Better patient outcomes Interventions for prediabetes are cost-effective Improved population health Recognition and referral
Prediabetes Screening: How and Why
How to Talk with Patients About Their Prediabetes Diagnosis
Help Your Patients Make Lifestyle Changes After a Prediabetes Diagnosis
Acknowledgments Ron Ackermann, MD, MPH Vanita Aroda, MD Janet Brown-Friday, RN, MSN, MPH Hermes Florez, MD, PhD, MPH Mary Hoskin, MS, RD Andrea Kriska, PhD, MS José Alejandro Luchsinger, MD, MPH Maria Montez, RN, MSHP, CDE S. Lorraine Valdez, MPA, BSN, RN Elizabeth Venditti, PhD