Sustainable Livelihoods What is it all about?
Aims of this session You will : *be familiar with the SL principles and SL framework *See where CNR fits in and what we contribute *Be enthused to explore the use of the SLA in our own work Let’s make this session as interactive as possible
A Sustainable Livelihood. copes with and recovers from stresses & shocks maintains or enhances its capabilities and assets does not undermine resource base
Why is SL important? By focusing on people rather than resources, we are better able to target our impact on poverty reduction
*Focus on people * Be Holistic * Be dynamic * Build on Strengths by being responsive and participatory *Work at various levels by working with partners *Take a wide view of sustainability
Livelihood Assets Natural, Human, Social, Physical, Financial Livelihood Strategies DiversificationMigration Sustainable use of resource (asset) base Income Well being (physiological, physical, health) Resilience (shock, stress, trends, change) Food security (hunger) Outcomes Assets increased Assets decreased Policies Institutions Processes Shocks Stresses Trends Change Sustainable Livelihoods Interactions
Livelihood Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural
Livelihood Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies
Livelihood Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes
Livelihood Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes
BUT……….. Livelihoods are not just about assets and aspirations What else enhances or limits peoples’ livelihoods?
Vulnerability Context Shocks – short term Stresses – longer term (people may learn to cope with these) Trends – long term (ever changing, usually in a downward spiral. People have to keep moving their perception to cope with these)
Vulnerability Context Livelihood Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Livelihood Outcomes
Policies, Institutions and Processes Social Relations and Institutions Organisations Policies
Institutions and Organisations The Interface between policy and people Social Capital Policy- Making Process Policy on Paper Policy Implementation People’s Aspirations Livelihood Strategies
Policies On paper – and in practice They depend upon institutions and organisations for their implementation They are influenced by social relations and social actors
Social Relations and Institutions Social relations: -Gender, paternalism, class, clientelism, solidarity, trust, respect, conflict and feuds... Institutions: -They do not necessarily take the form of an organisation -The market, the law, Anglicanism, Islam…
Organisations Public Sector -Local government, National Government -State owned companies, parastatals Private Sector -Multinationals, national and local -Informal sector Civil Society -NGOs, associations, unions -Social movements, Churches, Mafia and Triads...
Processes “What’s going on” How the policies are formed and how they are implemented Are the processes enhancing or constraining livelihood options?
PIPs can affect: Access to, and control of, assets The terms of exchange Incentives Creation of assets Inter-personal relations
Vulnerability Context Shocks Stresses Trends Livelihood Assets Human Social Physical Financial Natural Livelihood Strategies Diversification migration Policies, Institutions & processes Law Cultural norms Organisations at all levels Private, public, civil society Livelihood Outcomes + Sustainable use of resource base + Income + Well-being Reduced vulnerability + Food security
A few thoughts…….. What does working in a Livelihoods focused way mean for our skills and competencies? What does working in a livelihoods way mean for Employer’s recruitment and management (styles)? Developing ways to work with a livelihoods focus are still evolving……..