Weed Management in Cucurbits
Curcurbits Select Max Sinbar Alanap Sandea Curbit Herbicide/Mulch relations
What’s New - Select Max clethodim – Registered 2006 –Select Max 0.97 EC –Apply twice the rate of Select 2 EC –For Cantaloupe, Cucumber, Squash, and Watermelon use fl oz/A –Label allows for use of NIS instead of COC
Sinbar - Watermelon 2 to 3 oz of product applied preemergence Seeded: make applications after planting but before the crop emergence Transplants: Apply prior to transplant on bareground. May apply over mulch but ½ inch rainfall must occur following applications. Now owned by Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc
Sinbar – watermelon injury and pigweed control Watermelon Injury Pigweed Control
Palmer Amaranth Control 8 WAT
Yellow Nutsedge Control 8 WAT
Watermelon Harvest (Total Weight) 1000 lbs/A
Curbit 1.5 pt/A PRE
Curbit 1.5 pt/A + Sinbar 2.5 oz
Curbit 1.5 pt/A + Sinbar 6 oz
Summary - Watermelon Sinbar at 3 oz/A provided control of: a) Palmer amaranth = 78-89% b) Yellow nutsedge = 26-44% c) Tropic croton = 72-88% Sinbar at 6 oz/A provided control of: a) Palmer amaranth = 95-97% b) Yellow nutsedge = 78-80% c) Tropic croton = 97%
Cantaloupe – Sinbar Mulch and Bareground All plots received Treatments (Sinbar applied pre-transplant) –1) 1 qt/A –2) 1 qt/A + 3 oz/A –3) 1 qt/A + 6 oz/A
Cantalope Injury 5 WAT
Cantaloupe Runner Length 5 WAT
Summary Bareground Production - Not a chance Mulch Production - Sinbar did not injury cantaloupe 5 WAT - Sinbar at 6 oz/A reduced runner length 10%, 5 WAT
Sinbar Carryover There are carryover issues after an application of Sinbar most notably the cole and greens crops. Sinbar –The label states “Do not replant treated areas to any crop within 2 years after last application as injury to the subsequent crop(s) may result.”
Sinbar Watermelon CARRYOVER RESEARCH IN PROGRESS Label is very restrictive; UGA preliminary results: < 10% damage: sweet corn, squash, wheat, oat, rye, snap bean 1X rate 10 to 40% damage: cabbage, kale, broccoli, collard 2X rate: 40 to 80% damage: cabbage, kale, broccoli, collard
Alanap Going Away – Spring 2008 Chemtura voluntarily canceling registration Production was stopped Oct 50,000 gal inventory 2.5 years of inventory if normal use continues Shelf life is about 3 years
common ragweedchickweed common cockleburpurslane common lambsquarterswhite mustard pigweedssmartweeds Alanap: Weeds Controlled Production of this herbicide has ceased; 2 yrs of inventory
Curbit Curbit followed by Alanap
Sandea PRE/POST to crop: cucumber and cantaloupe Row middle only: squash PRE and row middle: watermelon
Sandea Labeled for Watermelon 1)PREEMERGENCE: 0.75 oz/A Seeded: Apply after planting, before cracking Transplant bareground/mulch: Do not transplant till 7 d after application. * Avoid heavy rain right after application *DO NOT APPLY OVER MULCH and then transplant.
Nontreated Sandea (0.5 oz/A) Watermelon farm in Crisp County, May Treatment at 1-leaf. Pictures to scale.
Sandea for PRE Weed Control common cocklebur wild radish pigweeds common ragweed common lambsquarters yellow nutsedge - suppression purple nutsedge - suppression 2 to 3 weeks residual weed control
Non-treated Control Sandea (0.5 oz/A) PRE W1-00. Halosulfuron study with Ken Lewis in Cordele.
Sandea PRE No herbicide
Sandea for POST Weed Control 1-3 inch 1-9 inch passionflower cocklebur redroot pigweed ragweed pokeweed velvetleaf yellow and purple nutsedge – heavy infestations may require sequential applications 2 to 3 weeks residual weed control
Curbit 1.Curbit is labeled for many cucurbits, Sonalan is not
Curbit 1.Curbit is labeled, Sonalan is not 2.Do not apply under mulch
Cucumber Injury from Curbit
Over mulch, washed offUnder mulch
Over mulch, washed offUnder mulch
Recommend 1 pt if seeded bareground. If not contacting the crop (row middle or mulch) can go up to 3 pts
Amount of Curbit remaining on plastic mulch. TyTy GA, percent days Grey
Herbicide/Mulch Relations
Amount of paraquat remaining on plastic mulch. TyTy GA, percent days Grey
Amount of glyphosate remaining on plastic mulch. TyTy GA, percent days Grey
Halosulfuron dissipation on mulch 65% 6%
Non-treated Sandea prior to transplant
Aim dissipation from mulch
New Herbicide for Watermelons – 2010? Preplant or PRE application of Reflex SEVERE INJURY IF APPLIED TO EMERGED PLANTS
Percent watermelon injury from Reflex. Bareground System. Reflex pre-transplant applied 16 oz/A.
Percent watermelon injury from Reflex. Mulched System. Reflex applied 16 oz/A over mulch. Half inch irrigation prior to transplant.
Carryover from Reflex applied under mulch. Crops planted 6 months later % injury
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