to STLN May 1 st, 2015
Today’s Facilitators DR. Robert Boram Morehead State University Teresa Rogers KDE Literacy Consultant Kevin Crump KDE Science Instructional Specialist Southeast/South-central Educational Cooperative Carole Mullins Literacy Instructional Specialist KVEC Chris Bentley KDE Science Instructional Specialist KVEC
Norms Start and end on time Cell phones on vibrate Rule of two feet Contribute…YOU are STLN Others?
Four Pillars of STLN Meetings Kentucky’s Core Academic Standards Characteristics of Highly Effective Teaching and Learning/KY Framework for Teaching Assessment Literacy Leadership
Questions, Comments, Concerns? Materials on the website Summer Workshop dates???? LDC Workshop Dates??? Establish dates before we leave today. Anything else???
Today’s Work Build capacity of Assessment Literacy by examining assessment tasks and defensible evidence generated by tasks Build capacity of our understanding of intent of NGSS performance expectations by engaging in Intent Protocol with Standards Dissection Tool Create a usable resource (assessment task) to help develop a lesson plan for next year
Today’s Work Explore resources aligned to NGSS through icurio from Knovation Examine strategies of formative assessment and student self assessment tied to CHETL Explore opportunities for educational enhancement at Pine Mountain Settlement School
Target 1: Analyze an assessment task (and corresponding student work) to determine if it yields defensible evidence of intended learning Target 2: Utilize Intent protocol and PE Dissection Tool to reach intent Target 3: Deconstruct a selected PE to list learning targets Target 4: Develop Assessment task and outline instructional activities that will result in mastery of PE. More instructions will be provided later…… Morning Targets
High, Middle, and Elementary breakout sessions Take your tasks and student work with you We will reconvene for lunch and afternoon activities Have a productive morning. See you all at lunch.
Afternoon Work ICURIO presentation: Carole Mullins Carole will help us explore science resources using
Power UP Teaching and Learning with icurio! KVEC Science Teacher Leader Network May 1, 2015 Carole Mullins, Literacy Instructional Specialist
AGENDA What is icurio ? The Right Content Access Lets Get Started! Connection to KCAS Standards & Assessment Connection to ARI Learning Topics 12
What is icurio? Digital Learning Resource Library that is easy to navigate and can be utilized by teachers, students and parents when appropriate. Icurio delivers a dynamic collection of over 330,000 vetted, contextualized, standards-aligned digital learning resources from a broad range of content providers. Includes a guaranteed that each resource in the Library has cleared a 127-point certified vetting process and is expertly tagged according to: resource type, language, authority and subject depth, alignment to relevant standards, grade level, readability score and up to 57 defining characteristics. 13
Icurio is a central point for Administrators & Educators to search, save & share digital content resources aligned to KY Core Academic Standards. Users can share resources and/or folders across individual users, the School and/or the District. Via My Content, it allows Teachers to customize the resources/folders best suited to their students. Accessible to Students & Parents. The Right Content
Tagged resources so they are easy to find
Sample Content Providers, and Thousands More! KEY POINT: Via Single Sign On, SAS Curriculum is incorporated into icurio !
Go to Click on the ARI dropdown Click on the icurio icon to login Access Point
Once you create a HOLLER account and join the icurio HOLLER, many support resources and on-going updates are available. Be sure to visit OFTEN to receive the most up-to-date information! Access Point
Quick Reference Guide Let’s Get Started…
. How does this resource address rigor in Kentucky? Kentucky Core Academic Standards Readability Assessment Kentucky Framework for Teaching
21 KVEC/ARI LEARNING TOPICS Personalized and Blended Learning Future Ready Learners Early LiteracySTEM Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking What is the connection to ARI?
Personalization Jeopardy