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Curriculum Development Workshop Designing Performance Assessments
3 Session Objectives Participants will be able to: Describe the design process and key components of the CCSS-aligned performance assessments Engage in the process of performance assessment design Provide peer feedback designed to improve performance assessment design
4 Core Process for Designing CCSS-aligned Curriculum 1.Creating a Stable Foundation (Session 1) 2.Developing Text Sets (Session 2) 3.Performance Assessment Design (Session 3) 4.Module-level Assessment Mapping (session 4) 5.Lesson Design (Session 5)
Performance Assessment Design Process Briefly review the “Steps for Performance Assessment Design in ELA/Literacy” handout. While drafting your performance assessment today, focus on the following steps: #2. Select primary standards #3. Define means of assessment #5. Craft task/prompt #6. Map out multi-day process 5
Criteria for Evaluating Strength of Performance Assessment Alignment Later in the session, you will provide peer feedback on the following components of the PA: Standards Alignment Level of scaffolding/student preparation provided Coherence of multi-day process 6
The Evolution of a Performance Assessment Read the early iteration sketch of the 12.2 performance assessment. Then read the final performance assessment, specifically focusing on the: Prompt Multi-day process In your groups, reflect on the following questions: What differences did you notice between the two versions? What observations do you have about the performance assessment design process based on these differences? 7
Range of Performance Assessments Cross-textual analysis: assess student understanding of core concepts and understandings across multiple texts (ex. 10.4) Students apply skills developed within the module to a new text or text set (ex. module 11.2, 9.4, 9.1) Text-based narrative writing (ex. 11.4) Speaking and Listening-based assessments (ex. Module 10.3 Podcast for research module; performance-based assessment in 12.2) 8
Talking about Text Conversations about texts should always be the first step in module-level or lesson-level curriculum design. What are some of the central ideas and key understandings in this text? What do we want to make sure students walk away with from this text ? Based on your work in session 2, what assessments might lend themselves well to the other texts you considered pairing with this text in order to deepen student understanding of encompassing issues, themes, or related concepts? 9
Performance Assessments: Designing the Heart of the Module In groups, you will design performance assessments for your own texts using the Performance Assessment Template. Focus on: Assessed standards Prompt Process (multi-day preparation for students) Be sure to include opportunities for cross-textual analysis, and always have the text and standards in front of you! 10
Gallery Walk and Peer Feedback 11 Using the Peer Feedback Tool, review each pair’s draft performance assessment at your table. Provide feedback on: Standards alignment Level of scaffolding/ student preparation provided Coherence of multi-day process Once peer feedback is provided, participants select one performance assessment per table that they feel most strongly aligns to the evaluative criteria.
Reflection and Closing How would you describe the process of designing a Performance Assessment to a colleague? What are some of the most important things to consider when providing feedback on performance assessment design? Now that you’ve experienced this process, what next steps do you envision based on your role? 12
Q&A 13
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