Eagle Plains Public School EQAO Information Night (Education Quality and Accountability Office)
Agenda General Information about EQAO Sample EQAO Questions EQAO Website Helpful Tips for Parents Questions and Answers
What is EQAO? Standardized assessment based on the Ministry Expectations, administered by the Province in Grade 3 and Grade 6 The Assessments cover; READING WRITING MATHEMATICS It assesses a student’s learning up to their current grade level (Grade 6 EQAO assesses the learning done between Grades 4-6) It is a way to check students’ preparedness for the Grade 9 Assessment in Mathematics and the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Differences Between a Classroom Assessment and EQAO Assessment Classroom Assessment assessment for learning based on where the student is with respect to the Grade 3 or 6 Ontario Curriculum expectations a variety of accommodations based on student needs - greater teacher support a variety of tools, strategies, approaches and formats EQAO Assessment assessment of learning based on the Grade 3 or 6 Ontario Curriculum expectations limited accommodations based on EQAO criteria written responses only independent demonstration prescribed timed tasks
EQAO at Eagle Plains The assessment is completed over days. Gr. 3 week of May 25 th Gr. 6 week of June 1 st The total assessment is hours long. 2 hours per day (approximately) Students complete; 2 language books. 1 mathematics book. Your child will write the assessment in his/her classroom with their classroom teacher.
Grade 3 Types of Reading Questions 4 Vocabulary 4 Phonological awareness 4 Retelling 4 Parts of speech 4 Conventions 4 Non-fiction 4 Parts of story 4 Author’s style 4 Making connections 4 Inferring 4 Opinion vs. fact 4 Theme, style and genre
What is EQAO Looking for in Reading? higher-order thinking comprehension of details and main ideas justification - finding proof think and search - locating information drawing conclusions and making inferences Making relevant connections-text to text, text to self, text to world developing supported opinions
What is EQAO Looking for in Reading? critical thinking and analysis understanding author’s intentions vocabulary and meaningful substitutions Big Idea and Life Lessons
After reading a short story...
What EQAO is Looking for in WRITING thorough planning complexity of ideas flow, sequence level of detail/description sense of audience, voice, purpose, form vocabulary, sentence structures conventions, paragraphs
Writing Assessment
EQAO Grade 3 Mathematics Assessment The first section of the booklet will consist of 6 or 7 questions, which are multiple choice. Students are not allowed to use manipulatives to answer these questions. The second part of section 1 and section 2 consist of short answer problem solving questions and multiple choice, where students are allowed to use calculators and manipulatives.
Mathematics Assessment Grade 3 The test covers all strands of the mathematics curriculum which are: Number Sense and Numeration – representing and comparing numbers, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, representing money amounts, counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 25’s, and 100 Geometry – comparing angles to a right angle; 2D and 3D shapes; movement on a grid map; and flips, slides and turns Patterning and Algebra – number patterns, attribute patterns, using tables to record patterns, equations Data Management – graphing and probability Measurement – measuring distance; telling time to the nearest 5 minutes and relating units of time; temperature benchmarks; area and perimeter; mass, and capacity of objects;
Sample Math Questions
Grade 6 Reading Skills Assessed 4 Understanding explicitly stated information and ideas 4 Understanding implicitly stated information and ideas 4 Making connections between information and ideas 4 Understanding in literary, graphic and informational texts
Grade 6 Reading Skills 4 Demonstrate understanding in literary, graphic and informational texts 4 Recognize text features and stylistic elements and demonstrate how they help communicate meaning
After reading a short story...
Grade 6 Writing Skills Assessed 4 using knowledge of form and style spelling, grammar, punctuation 4 develop and organize content 4 apply knowledge of language conventions and present written work effectively
Grade 6 Writing Assessment
Parent Resources
Last 5 years of assessments Example of the New Layout
Parent/Student Tips You can encourage your grade 3 student by : take advantage of the on-line math skills in Prodigy Sit with your child and experience the literacy skills to be learned with RAZ-Kids
Parent/Student Tips Grade 6 student Math support:
Mathfrog supports students and parents
Parent/Student Tips You can support your child by : Ensuring he/she has adequate sleep before the test Providing proper nutrition Sending a water bottle with your child Encouragement – talk with your child about what they did
What will be reported on for the EQAO Assessment? Individual Student Report: Overall results for reading, writing and mathematics Comparative data showing individual student results in relation to school, board and provincial results
A copy of this presentation is available as a link on the Eagle Plains Home page.
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