15 Minutes Accelerated Reader
iGCSE Core Paper Getting down to the Real Exam
Question 1 1. Skim read the whole text first so that you have an idea of what it’s about. 2.Read the questions carefully. Pay attention to the number of marks on offer so you can judge how much detail to put into your answer. 3.Some questions will be asking for fairly basic information from the passage, others will ask you to re- phrase what you’ve read to show your understanding. Make sure you use your own words when asked to do so. 4.Follow all of the instructions, carefully double checking you are analysing the correct part of the text before you begin writing your answer. Draw a box round any paragraphs which are referred to keep you focused.
1.In the first 5 minutes, read BOTH passages (A and B). 2. Now, spend 5 minutes reading through ALL three questions. So, let’s imagine we have just begun the exam. What should we start by doing?
Question 1 a)Using your own words, explain what the writer says about the differences between the guests who had dived with sharks before and those that hadn’t (2) 35 minutes on Q1
a)Using your own words, explain what the writer says about the differences between the guests who had dived with sharks before and those that hadn’t. Those that had done it before were at ease/calm and talkative Those who were new to the experience were not as loud and were thoughtful about their situations. One mark for each, up to a maximum of 2.
Purple Pen of Progress If you did not get 2 full marks, write the answer out again using the purple pen.
b)Name the two types of bird that the writer mentions: (1) Question 1
b) Name the two types of bird that the writer mentions: Cormorant and pigeon (both required for 1 mark) If you did not get 1 mark, you need to give up now and jump out of the window!
15 Minutes Accelerated Reader
c)i) What does the writer say about the way the process of getting ready was done by the boat crew? (1) Question 1
c)i) What does the writer say about the way the process of getting ready was done by the boat crew? It was efficient If you did not get 1 mark, you need to give up now and jump out of the window!
ii) Using your own words, give two effects that the safety talk had on the writer. (2) Question 1
c) ii) Using your own words, give two effects that the safety talk had on the writer. Calmed him down Made him think of the trip as a great experience I mark per point, maximum of 2.
Purple Pen of Progress If you did not get 2 full marks, write the answer out again using the purple pen.
d)How did being in the cage affect the writer’s experience? (2) Question 1
d) How did being in the cage affect the writer’s experience? He felt too enclosed He kept bumping into his brother because it was so small It was strange. He was used to diving without one. 1 mark per point, maximum of 2.
Purple Pen of Progress If you did not get 2 full marks, write the answer out again using the purple pen.
e)Using your own words, explain what the writer means by ‘certainly not your typical Jaws!’ (2) Question 1
e) Using your own words, explain what the writer means by ‘certainly not your typical Jaws!’ The shark was not the man-eater portrayed in the film/it didn’t try to attack people like the shark does in the film/it was calm unlike in the fi lm 2 marks for a clear explanation written in the candidate’s own words. 1 mark for partial understanding.
Purple Pen of Progress If you did not get 2 full marks, write the answer out again using the purple pen.
15 Minutes Accelerated Reader
f)What did the writer hope the rest of the guests would gain from the trip? (1) Question 1
f)What did the writer hope the rest of the guests would gain from the trip? That they would gain respect and appreciation for sharks and other creatures. They would appreciate nature more. 1 mark for any valid point.
Purple Pen of Progress If you did not get 1 mark, write the answer out again using the purple pen. If you did not get 1 mark, you need to give up now and jump out of the window!
Complete the table below to answer gi) and gii) Re-read paragraph 9 ‘Then another dark shape...’ Explain, using your own words, what the writer meant by the words in italics in THREE of the following phrases: a) ‘this shark was smaller and seemed more timid’ b) ‘amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’ b) ‘amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’ c) ‘felt an overwhelming sense of respect for these creatures’ d) ‘these are intelligent, curious beings’ Question 1
How to analyse language timid Shy Quiet
How to analyse language interacted To talk Be around each other
How to analyse language Overwhelming
How to analyse language Curious
ii) The writer is very keen that other people dive with sharks and have a similar experience to him. Explain how the words and language in each of the phrases you’ve chosen help to suggest his feelings about sharks now. a)‘this shark was smaller and seemed more timid’ b) ‘amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’ c) ‘felt an overwhelming sense of respect for these creatures’ d) ‘these are intelligent, curious beings’
ii) The writer is very keen that other people dive with sharks and have a similar experience to him. Explain how the words and language in each of the phrases you’ve chosen help to suggest his feelings about sharks now. a)‘this shark was smaller and seemed more timid’ b) ‘amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’ c) ‘felt an overwhelming sense of respect for these creatures’ d) ‘these are intelligent, curious beings’
ii) The writer is very keen that other people dive with sharks and have a similar experience to him. Explain how the words and language in each of the phrases you’ve chosen help to suggest his feelings about sharks now. a)‘this shark was smaller and seemed more timid’ b) ‘amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’ c) ‘felt an overwhelming sense of respect for these creatures’ d) ‘these are intelligent, curious beings’ Try and pick out TWO words/phra ses that you can talk about. Are these a technique? i.e adjective, verb, simile,etc
Use theses sentence starters… The word/technique ‘ ______________’ makes the shark seem… Additionally, the writer’s use of the word ‘_____’ suggets that….
15 Minutes Accelerated Reader
The phrase ‘ this shark was smaller and more timid’ suggests that the writer thinks the sharks were not typical of what people normally think. 1 mark Green Pen a)‘this shark was smaller and seemed more timid’
The adjective ‘smaller’ makes the shark seem less threatening. It is not as scary as he thought. Additionally, the writer’s use of the word ‘timid’ suggets that the shark seemed quite shy and quiet which is not typical of shark behaviour. 2 marks Green Pen
The phrase’ amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’ suggest that the writer was surprised at they were not very dangerous. 1 mark Green Pen ‘amazed at how politely they interacted with each other’
The adverb ‘politely ’ makes the shark seem as though they were mindful of the fact that people were tehre. Additionally, the writer’s use of the word ‘interacted’ implies that they were actually communicating with each other rather than being the mindless, destructive creatures that people think. 2 marks Green Pen
The phrase ‘felt an overwhelming sense of respect for these creatures’ suggests that the writer feels as though these creatures deserve more respect and admiration. 1 mark Green Pen ‘felt an overwhelming sense of respect for these creatures’
The word ‘overwhelming’ suggests that the writer felt the experience was more than he imagined because of the sharks. Additionally, the writer’s use of the word ‘respect’ implies that the writer feels as though the sharks are viewed negatively and that people should view them differently. 2 marks Green Pen
‘these are intelligent, curious beings’ The phrase ‘these are intelligent, curious beings ‘ suggests that the sharks are not what people think. In fact they are quite clever and know what is happening around them. 1 mark Green Pen
The adjective ‘intelligent’ implies that the sharks are actually quite clever and not the crazy, man eating monsters that people usually present them as being. Additionally, the word ‘curious’ implies that sharks want to get to know what is happening around them, not just eat everything that comes in their way. 2 marks Green Pen