Ontario Association for the Support of Physical and Health Educators Past President: Joanne Walsh, Redirected, HDSB Co - Presidents: Vice Presidents: Barbara O’Connor, HCDSB, Dave Inglis, TVDSB The Educator Voice for HPE Rebecca Richardson, HDSB Lara Paterson, LDSB/KFL&A Public
OASPHE – our mission “Educators who provide a strong voice to lobby, advocate and support the development and delivery of quality curriculum in Health and Physical Education.” 2 The Educator Voice for HPE
OASPHE – our mandate To lobby the appropriate provincial ministries, related organizations, and the community at large for quality Health and Physical Education To advocate for the development and delivery of quality Health and Physical Education curriculum To provide support and leadership for Health and Physical Education leaders in the classroom, at the school level and system level. 3 The Educator Voice for HPE
4 Building communication networks for HPE Educators and all school boards Advocating for the full release of 2010 revised HPE curriculum and the release of the secondary revised HPE curriculum. Partnering to support the provision of quality HPE curriculum/ DPA resources and professional learning grade, 1 – 12. Supporting the Curriculum Implementation and advocating for funding and resources to provide quality professional learning for educators Advocating for quality Health and Physical Education as the foundation of a Healthy School Community The Educator Voice for HPE OASPHE KEY PRIORITIES FOR ADVOCACY
5 Supporting the revision and implementation of the Ontario Safety Guidelines Ongoing advocacy for: HPE specialists in elementary schools the OASPHE/Ophea Physical Literacy Position Paper increased time for HPE instruction in Pre-Service programs; minimum credit requirements for taking an HPE AQ course. OASPHE – ongoing advocacy: The Educator Voice for HPE
6 OASPHE – your Executive This year’s executive……. Continuing to make our network strong: - renewing your membership - becoming a member - send in your registration to Ann Amberg or visit September August 2016 The Educator Voice for HPE
OASPHE – Spring Conference 7 The Educator Voice for HPE Our Time has Come! Myra Stephen and Francine Taillerfer Education Officers, MOE Highlights of the HPE Curriculum 2015 Grades 1-12