Battle of the Bulge By: Ethan Guenther
Background ●Half a year after D-Day ●Germany losing control of France ●Germany launched desperate assult
Setting ●Eastern France ●Along French/German Border ●December January 1945
Important People ●Adolf Hitler ●Planned battle ●Wanted to end American and British Advance ●Figured America would surrender General George S Patton ●Killed in 1945 ●Lead American Side
What Happened? ●Last major German offensive ●Created a bulge in American/British attack ●German offensive halted a month later ●Casualties: o 90,908 Allied-19,200 killed, 48,469 injured, 23,239 missing o 100,000 Axis-specifications unknown
Cold ●Winter was cold and wet. ●No heat or fire. ●Many medical Conditions
Questions ●Where and when did the Battle of the Bulge occur? ●What affect did the Battle of the Bulge have on the war overall? ●What were the conditions of the Battlefield?
Bibliography 4tVZ39MpTbsATorYHYAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAg&biw=1366&bih=643#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=battle+of+the+bulge+ clean+map& l%3B1507%3B