Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Plant Industry Laboratory Report 2010 Tobacco Rattle Virus Infected Ornamentals Photo credit: Anette Phibbs, DATCP Bleeding Heart, Dicentra sp. Tobacco rattle virus (TRV) infections were determined by nucleic assay, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) at DATCP’s Plant Industry Laboratory. References: D.J. Robinson, Journal or Virological Methods. 1992, 40, ” Detection of tobacco rattle virus by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction.”
Astilbe infected with TRV and CMV Astilbe arendsii “Fanal”
Larkspur infected with TRV Delphinium elatum “Lilac Pink” and “Magic Fountain” dark blue/white bee Delphinium elatum “Magic Fountain” pure white
Larkspur infected with TRV
Oriental Lily infected with TRV Lilium oriental “Angelique”
Hostas infected with TRV Hosta Funkia “Magic Fire” Hosta Funkia “Krossa Regal”
Grapeleaf Anemone infected with TRV Anemone tomentosa “Robustissima”
Barrenwort infected with TRV 1)Epimedium pubigerum “Orange Queen” 2)Epimedium pinnata elegans 3) Epimedium X rubrum 1 2 3
Virginia Bluebells with TRV Mertensia virginica