Transitions and gutters in Graphic Novels


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Presentation transcript:

Transitions and gutters in Graphic Novels Sequence Transitions Transitions and gutters in Graphic Novels

Gutters The space between the panels. As the reader moves from one panel to the next, they predict and conclude what is happening.

Gutter Transition Gutters also act as barriers or borders to transitions. We are going to review five types of transitions that occur in graphic novels.

Moment to Moment

Moment to Moment Transition They help to bring a “slow motion” feeling to graphic novels; each moment is important. It helps to slow down the pace a bit. Uses: quick cut scenes, conversations, showing reactions.

Action to Action

Action to Action Transition This may be the most common form of transitions in graphic novels. It shows action in a quicker format than moment to moment. The first panel would be the beginning of the action, while the last panel would be the end of the action. Sometimes, there may be panels in between these to make the action more complex.

Scene to Scene

Scene to Scene Transition Can move readers across time and space. This transition doesn’t need to be small amounts of time; it can jump around. Can be used to transport the audience to different times and places with little to no explanation as to what happened in between. If done properly, it can be used to show different events happening at the same time.

Aspect to Aspect

Aspect to Aspect Transition This transition doesn’t have to do with time at all. It can be used to freeze time in order to establish the mood, feeling, or emotion of a scene. It helps the reader to look around the scene to see what’s happening.

Non-Sequitur Transition

Non-Sequitur Transition This final transition sequence places panels together with no relationship to each other. The panels can have totally random ideas and still be next to each other. No matter what images are together, we all still always look for connections or relationships. However, there doesn’t always need to be a reason for things in graphic novels. So what’s the purpose of non-sequitur transitions?

What you are doing today Today, you will be reading a graphic novel chosen from our selection in the classroom. Open up your notebooks to a blank page or a sheet of loose-leaf and title the page “Graphic Novel Gutters and Transitions” If you remember and were liking the book you were reading last week, raise your hand.

What you are doing today On this blank sheet titled “Graphic Novel Gutters and Transitions,” you will be writing down examples of different transitions that you find in your graphic novel. Explain how that identified transition affects the way in which you understand that page and scene. Transitions: Moment to Moment, Action to Action, Scene to Scene, Aspect to Aspect, Non-Sequitur If there are any transitions you don’t understand or can’t figure out, write that down with the page number. We can discuss that in a larger group conversation