Design of Combline Bandpass Filters Interdigital BPF included
Comline Bandpass Filters Typical Combline Bandpass Filter
Equivalent circuit
Coupled section equivalent circuit Zoe, Zoo
Slope parameter Use the following resonant condition:
Coupling coefficient(1) J-inverter: Coupling coefficient:
Coupling coefficient(2) Coupling coefficient inversely proportional to the frequency
Combline Bandapss Filter
Equivalent circuit for 1st and last stage Interdigital type feeding
Coupling stage Combline type
Equivalent circuit(1) Equivalent circuit
Design equations
Equivalent circuit(2) Reduced circuit
Equivalent circuits
Interdigital BPF-Introduction Attractive features Very compact Required tolerances in manufacturing are relatively relaxed because of the large spacing between resonator elements The spurious response appears at there times the center frequency of the passband The rates of cutoff and the strength of the stop bands are enhanced by multiple poles attenuation at dc and at even multiples of the passband center
Interdigital Bandpass Filter Input feeding – shorted 30% bandwidth or less
Equivalent circuit
Design procedures
Design equations
Designed Filter
Input feeding –Open 30% bandwidth or more
Equivalent circuit
Design equations(1)
Design equations(2)
From Filter Specifications
Design Example Open ended feeding At 2 GHz 10% bandwidth, Order 3
Layout of microstrip interdigital BPF SPEC Order : 3 FBW : 10% Center frequency : 2GHz Resonator width : 모두 같게 설계 Resonator length Case 1. Case 2. Substrate Dielectric : 6.15 H=1.27mm TanD : 0.0013
Layout of microstrip interdigital BPF Step 1 에 따른 resonator length를 구한다. Step 2 -slope parameter를 정해 even mode addmittance값을 구할 수 있다.(resonator width) Step 3 -J inverter 값과 even mode addmittance값을 통해 odd mode addmittance값을 구한다.(resonator들 간의 간격 s)
Simulated Results(1) Center frequency : 1.952GHz 1dB BW :210MHz(11%)
Simulated Results(2) Center frequency : 2.040GHz 1dB BW :210MHz(11%)