Facilitating Effective IEP Meetings Presented by SRCS
Essential Elements of Any Meeting Agenda Proposed Ground Rules IEP preparedness Meeting Agreements/Follow-Up
Agenda The agenda is the road map for the meeting. It is what you are going to talk about and must be agreed upon before the meeting begins. It is important to determine what items both parties want to address in the meeting. Once this is known, clarify where is on the agenda. If no, determine the next steps.
Proposed Ground Rules Every meeting should start with ground rules that determine how people will behave in the meeting. Ground rules protect the participants from attack or abuse and provide a tool for participants to maintain order, a respectful environment and a timely meeting. – Keep visible – Ask for agreement
Typical Ground Rules Treat each other with respect- both verbal and body language Let people speak without interruption When sharing reports, summarize Hold what is shared in the meeting as confidential Turn off cell phones
Typical Ground Rules Continued… Listen with an open mind (provide examples) Use the past to inform the future ( don't dwell on the past) Work collaboratively towards a solution Caucuses will be allowed
IEP Preparedness Case Carrier – Mail request for the Parent information with the IEP Meeting Notice Form 30 days prior to the IEP’s Annual or Triennial date. Designate the purpose of the meeting. – Include excusal form with the IEP Meeting Notice – Reserve a room with a large enough space to accommodate all participants, with enough chairs. Electrical outlets for computer needs – Telephone for conference all, if needed (language line or other participant) – Schedule 1 ½ hours for the meeting
IEP Preparedness Continued.. Invite all necessary IEP Team members and send out the IEP Meeting Notice Administrator Parent(s) Student Special Education Teacher General Education Teacher Anyone else who has assessed the student for the upcoming IEP or who has important information to share.
Prior to the IEP Meeting (10 days or less) Assessment reports sent to the parents Draft goals and objectives sent to the parent Copy Proposed Agenda Confirm that all necessary team members will attend the IEP Meeting Memo/ to all IEP members to bring assessment reports, student work samples, health and attendance information, draft goals and objectives, etc. to the IEP meeting.
Prior to the IEP Meeting Continued… (10 days or less) Prepare Proposed Ground Rules Copies made of proposed Ground Rules for all IEP participants For an Initial; a call to the parent to explain the IEP process. Explain the roles of participants, review the agenda and define consensus and the role of the parent.
The Day of The IEP Meeting IEP members bring assessment reports, student work samples, health and attendance information, draft goals and objectives, etc. to the IEP meeting. Confirm attendance Basic snacks and water Room is set up
Meeting Agreements/Follow-Up Follow-up is crucial for trust and positive meetings. Use a Follow-up form, Document show will review the list to ensure that that the follow-up occurred. – Progress reports sent home – Communications with family – Monitor behavior – Document contact in a log – Document attendance
Reminders When working with interpreters/translators- make eye contact with the parent Begin the meeting with a success story about the student Be positive Involve the parents Be aware of cultural reciprocity
Cultural reciprocity – Cultural reciprocity is the process of becoming aware and understanding these subtle, deep-seated values in our professional beliefs and practice so that we can explain them to families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who might not share these same values. By clarifying to ourselves why we recommend a particular practice to a family, we become aware of the imbedded cultural values and begin to recognize that our assumptions about what is "right" practice may not be universal.
Thank You Carlo Rossi Denise Reich Monica Pecarovich Judy Eldridge