Look at the 3 images below….explain in your own words what you think is happening in each picture
Understand what TROPISM is. Understand the 4 ways that plants change the way they grow based on their environment.
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Tropism: process of plants changing due to a stimulus (changes in their environment) Plants can change Their growth When they reproduce The position of their roots, stems and leaves
Environmental changes (stimuli) that effect plants: Gravity Sunlight Touch Moisture (water)
Phototropism: the way a plant grows or bends because of sunlight
Draw a picture of what a plant would look like if it ONLY had light coming on to it from the RIGHT side.
Tropism Animation Glossary Term - Tropism Glossary Term - Tropism tt=tropism tt=tropism
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Geotropism: the way a plant grows or bends because of gravity Plant structures can sense up and down Stems of plants grow upright Roots of plants grow down
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Thigmotropism: the way a plant grows or bends because of touch (stimulus).
Clematis are known for twining vines that revolve as they grow, making a full circle until they find an object to climb; this searching process is known as thigmotropism.
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Hydrotropism: the way a plant grows due to the presence of water (stimulus). When roots sense water, they bend and grows towards it.
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Stimulus (changes) can be positive or negative. Positive = toward stimulus Negative = away from stimulus
Plant moving toward stimulus (the sun).
Negative = roots growing away from sun. The roots are growing AWAY from the sun because they need water for survival.
Draw the tree with roots on your paper and label the positive and negative.
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Draw a picture showing the 4 ways plants are affected in how they grow.
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Teams of 2 or 3 with the students around you. We will read an article about tropism together. Pencils are DOWN while reading the article. Then you will answer question 1 with your partner. As SOON as you know the answer and you have BOTH written it on your paper. You can run up and ring the bell. Points: First team: 3 points Second team: 2 points Third team: 1 point