Caribbean Fishery Management Council 152 nd Meeting April 2015 St. Croix, USVI Developing Consistent Regulations for Three Seasonally Closed Areas off Puerto Rico: Abrir la Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank
Bajo de Sico and Tourmaline Bank are under federal and territorial jurisdiction Abrir La Sierra is under federal jurisdiction only U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | NOAA Fisheries | Page 2
Management (2014) Bajo de SicoTourmalineAbrir La Sierra Seasonal Area Closure EEZ1 Oct-30 March (6 months) 1 Dec – 28 Feb (3 months) 1 Dec – 28 Feb (3 months) PRNONE Gear Banned EEZTraps, pots, bottom longlines and nets are prohibited YEAR ROUND PR Species/gears managed during seasonal area closure EEZReef Fish ONLYALL Fishing Prohibited (including pelagics, lobster, reef fish, queen conch) PRNONE Anchoring EEZProhibitedAllowed (retrieval system) PRProhibited Prohibited (but all EEZ) Seasonal Closures EEZRed hind (Dec-Feb); SU1 (Oct-Dec); GU4 (Feb-April); Mutton (Apr-Jun); Lane (Apr-Jun); QC (Jan-Dec) PRRed hind (Dec-Feb); Silk/blackfin (Oct-Dec); yellowfin grouper (Feb-Apr); Mutton (Apr-May); QC (Aug-Oct)
Bajo de Sico (Federal-State) Months Seasonal Closure Species Managed Prohibited Gear Anchoring Regulation EEZ1 October -31 March 6 months No fishing for reef fish All year: traps, pots, nets, bottom longlines All year: anchoring prohibited PRAll year: traps, pots, nets, bottom longlines All year: anchoring prohibited
Tourmaline (Federal-State) Months Seasonal Closure Species Managed Prohibited Gear Anchoring Regulation EEZDecember -February 3 months No fishingAll year: traps, pots, nets, bottom longlines All year: anchoring retrieval system PRAll year: traps, pots, nets, bottom longlines All year: anchoring prohibited
Abrir la Sierra (Federal) Months Seasonal Closure Species Managed Prohibited Gear Anchoring Regulation EEZDecember -February No fishingAll year: traps, pots, nets, bottom longlines All year: anchoring retrieval system PRAll year: traps, pots, nets, bottom longlines All year: anchoring prohibited
Seasonal Closures Area Closures All fishing Reef fish
FOLLOW-UP Meetings with West Coast Fishers – requested by CFMC at 151 st Meeting Held 2 meetings Cabo Rojo Mayagüez Consultation meeting with Cabo Rojo Fishers on ABT Feb docx Consultation meeting with Cabo Rojo Fishers on ABT Feb docx Consultation Meeting West Coast Fishers on ABT Mayaguez docx Consultation Meeting West Coast Fishers on ABT Mayaguez docx
ACTION 1: MODIFY THE LENGTH OF THE CLOSED SEASON Alt 1: No Action Alt 2: Modify the Bajo de Sico closed season to be Dec 1-Last day of Feb. Alt 3: Modify the closed season to be Oct 1-March 31 Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Tourmaline Bank Alt 4: Modify the closed season to be Dec 1-May 31. Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank Alt 5: Modify the closed season to be year-round. Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank
ACTION 1: MODIFY THE LENGTH OF THE CLOSED SEASON Alt 6: Modify the closed season to be Dec 1-March 31 (Preferred) Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank (Preferred) Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico (Preferred) Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank (Preferred)
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MEETINGS WITH FISHERS ON 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Action 1: Modify length of seasonal closure Alt 2: Modify seasonal closure at Bajo de Sico December 1- February 28 all three areas.
ACTION 2: MODIFY REEF FISH FISHING ACTIVITIES Alt 1: No Action Alt 2: Prohibit fishing for Council-managed reef fish in Bajo de Sico during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 Alt 3: Prohibit fishing for and possession of Council- managed reef fish during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 (Preferred) Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank (Preferred) Sub-Alt b: Tourmaline Bank (Preferred)
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MEETINGS WITH FISHERS ON 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Action 2 Modify reef fish fishing activities Prohibit only fishing for and possession of reef fish species except allowing for yellowtail snapper fishing in all three areas. Deeper waters are used to fish deep water snappers and this fishery should be allowed.
ACTION 3: MODIFY SPINY LOBSTER FISHING ACTIVITIES Alt 1: No Action Alt 2: Prohibit fishing for spiny lobster in Bajo de Sico during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 Alt 3: Prohibit fishing for and possession of spiny lobster during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank Alt 4: Prohibit fishing for spiny lobster year-round Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank Alt 5: Prohibit fishing for and possession of spiny lobster year-round Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank
ACTION 3: MODIFY SPINY LOBSTER FISHING ACTIVITIES Alt 6: Allow fishing for spiny lobster year-round (Preferred) Sub- Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank (Preferred) Sub- Alt b: Bajo de Sico (Preferred) Sub- Alt c: Tourmaline Bank (Preferred)
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MEETINGS WITH FISHERS ON 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Action 3: Modify spiny lobster fishing activity Alt 6: Allow fishing for spiny lobster year-round (follows from discussion on Action 2)
ACTION 4: PROHIBIT ANCHORING Alt 1: No Action Alt 2: Prohibit anchoring during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 Sub-Alternative a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alternative b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alternative c: Tourmaline Bank Alt 3: Prohibit anchoring year-round (Preferred) Sub-Alternative a: Abrir La Sierra Bank (Preferred) Sub-Alternative b: Tourmaline Bank (Preferred)
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MEETINGS WITH FISHERS ON 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Action 4: Anchoring Allow anchoring by commercial fishers using a “pillo” (retrieval system or garampín (grappling anchor) in all three areas. Do not allow anchoring with Danforth anchors. Allow anchoring for yellowtail snapper fishing: this fishery is of great economic importance in the area.
ACTION 5: MODIFY HMS FISHING ACTIVITIES Alt 1: No Action Alt 2: Upon consent to the request of the Council, prohibit bottom longline fishing for HMS year- round in Bajo de Sico (Preferred) Alt 3: Upon consent to the request of the Council, prohibit fishing for, and possession of, HMS in some or all of the three areas during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank Alt 4: Upon consent to the request of the Council, prohibit fishing for, and possession of, HMS in some or all of the three areas during the seasonal closure established in Action 1, with an exception that would allow surface trolling for all HMS, as defined at §635.21(a)(4)(iv), and speargun fishing gear to fish for bigeye, albacore, yellowfin and skipjack (BAYS) tunas. (Preferred) Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank (Preferred) Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico (Preferred) Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank (Preferred)
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MEETINGS WITH FISHERS ON 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Action 5: Modify HMS fishing activities Allow trolling. Redefine trolling as not to be HMS –because it is too fast for pelagics. Allow jigging for pelagics such as wahoo and blackfins
ACTION 6: MODIFY SPEARFISHING ACTIVITIES Alt 1: No Action: Retain the existing spearfishing regulations in each of the Abrir La Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank managed areas. Alt 2: Prohibit spearfishing for Council-managed reef fish during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 (Preferred) Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank (Preferred) Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico (Preferred) Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank (Preferred) Alt 3: Prohibit spearfishing for all non-HMS-managed species, including Council-managed reef fish and coastal migratory pelagics, during the seasonal closure established in Action 1 Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank Alt 4: Prohibit spearfishing for all non-HMS-managed species, including Council-managed reef fish and coastal migratory pelagics, year-round Sub-Alt a: Abrir La Sierra Bank Sub-Alt b: Bajo de Sico Sub-Alt c: Tourmaline Bank
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MEETINGS WITH FISHERS ON 10 FEBRUARY 2015 Action 6: Modify spearfishing activities Allow for carrying of spear gun while diving for lobster (and conch from state waters). Allow spear for pelagics (possible to catch reef fish but ethical not to catch reef fish if not allowed).
Recommendations from meetings with fishers on 10 February 2015 While transiting through closed areas gear should be stowed. It is a safety issue to allow transit through these areas due to the weather when returning to shore. Increase enforcement Confusing regulations at present and should be simplified in order for the regulations to be effective. This would solve the problem with enforcement.
Recommendations from meetings with fishers on 10 February 2015 There is a need to evaluate the closures and determine if they are working or not. If they are not working then they should be eliminated.
Additional Comments Public Comment Period PEW Letter (English and Spanish)