Production Pitch Matthew Jones
Production Media/Delivery/Deadline I will be making my game in Adobe Flash. Once it is finished I will displaying it on my blog. The deadline for this project is 4 th June
Production Mindmaps In total I have produced six mind maps, four on the development of the game and two about my final idea
These two are for my game idea. The first image isn’t actually a mind map but I thought I would include it anyway. It is a mock up flow chart for my game, this is what I thought I could have in my game and where it would be.
Production Concept/Style/USP The genres for my game are: – Sci-fi – Side-scroller – Shoot ‘em up An evil alien race known as the Tinpin arrives at earth in 2018 and issues a challenge to all the humans, if the humans can build something that can stop the invasion in two years’ time the Aliens will withdraw and leave Earth alone. Two years later a top secret government organisation named USSD (United States Space Defence) has mech suits known as LOMG’s (Lightweight Orbital Manoeuvring Gear) that have weapons installed to defeat the Tinpin. You will play as Gwen Wilhelm, a soldier who has trained for 14 months to use the LOMG.
Production Audience My game is aimed at males over the age of 10 in America and Europe. I have chosen the age 10 because children under this age may not be able to adapt as quickly to the game as older children and adults. I have chosen America and Europe because my game will be in English and some countries don’t allow or have to change some types of games because the content goes against the countries age ratings.
Production Equipment For this project I will be using Adobe Flash, Illustrator and Photoshop and Audacity.
Production Resources/Budget I will not need any resources as my game will be made on the computer. However I will still need equipment for the computer so that I can make the game. I will need around £485 to get all the equipment I require.
Production Collaboration I will not need any help with the creation of my game, all the sounds and voice acting will be done by me. (By voice acting I mean doing the different noises the player will make during gameplay)
Production Constraints PG Rating Time constraints Equipment constraints Lack of skill