Bridge to Terabithia Chapter 10-13
Figurative Language: 10 Simile (95) – brown hair stuck up like a squirrel’s nest on a winter branch Onomatopoeia (95) – plink Personification (95) – Miss Bessie standing on her tippy toes Repetition (100) – room after room, floor after floor Alliteration (101) – joy jiggling
Figurative Language: 10 Simile (95) – Onomatopoeia (95) – Personification (95) – Repetition (100) – Alliteration (101) –
Chapter 10: Questions What does Jess’ dad do every day? What does this say about his character? Who calls Jess? How does Jess feel as he is talking to her on the phone? How do you know? How does Jess feel about being at the museum with Miss Edmunds? How do you know? Why was Jess’ family upset at the end of chapter 10?
Chapter 10: Answers Jess’ dad goes to the unemployment office to look for work. He is determined to find a new job. Miss Edmunds calls. Jess is surprised by the call. He breaks into a cold sweat, gets tangled in the phone cord, and can’t find words to say. Jess is happy and excited. He is happy in the way he talks and using good manners. Jess’ family is upset because Leslie has died and they think he’s with her and died too.
Chapter 10: Activity The characters in the story experience a wide range of emotions. Complete the Emotional Events activity by choosing an emotion a character in the story experienced. Tell who felt the emotion and cite evidence from the story to tell when they experienced that emotion and why.
Figurative Language: 11 Repetition (104) – Onomatopoeia (104) – Simile (104) – Personification (106) –
Figurative Language: 11 Repetition (104) – Leslie-dead-girl friend-rope-broke-fell-you-you-you. God-dead-you-Leslie-dead-you. Onomatopoeia (104) – thud-thud Simile (104) – words exploded in his head like corn against the sides of the popper Personification (106) – hundreds of stars dancing
Chapter 11: Questions How did Leslie die? How does Jess feel when his family tells him what happened? How do you know? What does his father say to him in the truck? How is Jess coping with Leslie’s death? How is Jess’ family treating him since Leslie died?
Chapter 11: Answers Leslie fell in the creek and hit her head. Jess is upset to hear the news. He doesn’t believe them and is yelling “No, you’re lying to me!” His father doesn’t say anything. He realizes that words won’t make the truth any better for Jess. Jess doesn’t believe that the story is real, only a bad dream. He is ignoring the truth. The family is being nice. His dad is milking the cow for him. His mom made pancakes for him. Brenda is questioning how he can eat at a time like this. Ellie and May Belle look quickly and then turn back to the TV.
Chapter 11: Activity After You Read – Chapter 10 & 11
Figurative Language: 12 Simile (114) – Repetition (115) -
Figurative Language: 12 Simile (114) –Jess is stranded like an astronaut wandering about on the moon Repetition (115) - “I don’t care. I don’t care.”
Chapter 12: Questions What is the mood at the beginning of chapter 12? How does Jess feel about everyone crying? Describe Jess’ feelings toward Leslie? What does May Belle do when Jess returns from the Perkins’ place? What was the result?
Chapter 12: Answers The mood of the chapter is solemn, upset, and depressed. Jess is upset that everyone is crying because he thinks they are crying for themselves. Jess is angry and upset with Leslie. He throws her Christmas present (art supplies) in the creek and yells that he hates her. May Belle asks if Jess saw the body and he hits her as hard as he can in the face.
Chapter 12: Activity Several characters experience a change of some sort. Choose a character in the story that has undergone a change. Name the character and use the story to answer the following questions: Events of experiences the character has had Lessons the character learned Ways the character has changed Write a paragraph answering the following questions: What did you learn from the story? How might that help you change as a person?
Figurative Language: 13 Alliteration (119) – Simile (120) – Personification (126) –
Figurative Language: 13 Alliteration (119) – dumb dodo Simile (120) – the peace through the chaos in his body like a single bird across a storm-cloud sky Personification (126) – little fears running riot inside his gut
Chapter 13: Questions What is the setting of Chapter 13? How does Jess feel as he enters Terabithia? What “sign” did the “spirits” send to Jess? How does Jess react when he realizes that May Belle is in trouble? What does Jess notice when he gets into his classroom? What thought does Jess have that makes him feel guilty? Tell the way Jess views himself before and after meeting Leslie. What do Judy and Bill give Jess? Why? Describe what Jess does at the end of the story.
Chapter 13: Answers The main setting is Terabithia, but it also takes place in the school and at the Perkins’ place. Jess is feeling, scared, solemn, and like something was missing. The spirits send a cardinal bird to look at his wreath for Leslie. Jess automatically runs to May Belle so that he can calm her down and help her. Jess notices that Leslie’s desk has already been moved out of the room. Jess thinks that he will be the fastest runner in the fifth grade. Before – he’s a little kid running in the cow field with many fears inside. After – he’s the king of Terabithia and knows how to be brave Judy and Bill gave Jess all of Leslie’s old books and art supplies. They knew Leslie would want him to have them. Jess builds a bridge to Terabithia and makes May Belle the new queen.
Chapter 13: Activity After you Read – Chapter 12 & 13 Did you like the book? Write a paragraph (at least 4 sentences) giving details (3) that support why you did or did not like the book. Take the AR Quiz