PRACTICAL PHARMACOLOGY-1 (303) Third Year FACULTY OF PHARMACY Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology CAIRO UNIVERSITY شعارالكلية منارة التعليم الصيدلي في مصر ومحيطها الإقليمي
Principle: Rectus abdominis is skeletal muscle : innervated by somatic motor nerve (one – neuron) as shown below: Rectus abdominis is skeletal muscle : innervated by somatic motor nerve (one – neuron) as shown below: Somatic motor nerve Nm Skeletal muscle Ach
Dissection: (1) Exposure of the muscle (2) Outer margin dissection (3) Inner margin dissection
(4) Dissected muscle (5) Tying the muscle from both ends & isolate it
Organ bath Air tube Suspended tissue Thread Setup:
Ach addition to isolated rectus abdominis muscle contraction pulls the lever & a line is drawn on the paper of the rotating drum. Ach addition Stop & Wash Wash 3 times till reach normal level
Ach Typical tracing of contractions obtained with different doses of Ach on frog rectus abdominis
Dose cycle: Contact Time Washing Time Normal Time Dose Cycle Dose Cycle = Contact Time + Washing Time + Normal Time Dose cycle should be constant all over the experiment : Normal, contact & washing times should be constant
Base line 1.6 Normal Completion of D/R: Increase Ach dose till maximum response is reached (all receptors fully occupied). Max.
How to measure the response of each dose: Base Line B A Response = A - B
Tabular & graphical presentation of data: Dose (ml) Response Peak height (mm) AB 0.1 XX 0.2 XX 0.4 XX 0.8 XX 1.6 XX A B Compare between two solutions with respect to their potencies.
Able to deliver the scientific & experimental concepts with: 1.Animal Saving 2.Cost Saving 3.Time Saving 4.Environmental health & safety 5.Attractive & Exciting
Lack of practical skills
Type code Select Lab time
Type your name Type your ID Press Start
Press Add Dose
Complete the D/R relationship for the given TWO Ach solutions till max. response
Press Select all
Note: If not all rows are required, select the required row by double clicking it
Press printer icon to print
توزيع مجموعات الطلاب في امتحان نظري العملي اليومالمكانأرقام الطلابالساعة الإثنين 12/22 مـــــدرج منصور خليفة :00 – 3: – 641 3:30 – 3: :00 – 4:10 للآخر :30 – 4:40 الخميس 12/ :00 – 11: :30 – 11: :00 – 12: :30 – 12:40 على الطلبة الباقون للإعادة حضور امتحان نظري العملي في مجموعتهم ( 901 – للآخر)