10. 1 Introduction The Islamic world flourished by learning from the Greeks, Chinese, and Hindus and spread from Spain to Baghdad. What are some words we get from the Muslim world? What were some of the Muslim achievements?
10.2 What Was the Flowering of the Islamic Civilization? By the 8 th C., Spain, N. Africa, & much of W. & C. Asia came under Muslim rule, which flowered over the next 500 years. Where did the Umayyads reestablish their capitol? In 762 Abbasids made Baghdad the capital, which b/c one of the world’s biggest cities. In 10 th C, the Fatimids built capital in Cairo that had huge university. Besides Muslims, who else was present in Cairo? In Spain, Muslim capitol Cordoba b/c one of biggest & wealthiest cities in the world.
Baghdad, Cordoba, and Cairo
The Abbasids
Fatimid Mosque in Cairo
Fatimid University in Cairo
The Great Mosque at Cordoba
10.2 continued Ideas and goods spread along Muslim trade routes to Europe, Africa, and Asia. Muslims learned paper-making from the Chinese and passed it to the Europeans. Which types of texts did the Muslims produce that were based on earlier Greek texts? Science, medicine, and philosophy Where did most Muslims come from? They were Egyptians, Turks, North Africans, Persians
Islamic Trade Routes
10.3 How Was the City Building and Architecture? What Was Baghdad? Abbasid caliph decided to move the capital from Damascus to Baghdad which was along trade routes. Where was Baghdad located? Took 10,000 laborers 4 years to build the round city. Shops, markets, and houses grew up outside the city walls complete with bridges, palaces, and gardens.
How Were the Mosques? What’s a mosque? Usually had a minaret w/ a balcony and a fountain in a courtyard for washing hands b/f prayers. Why did the minarets have a balcony? Inside there was a prayer room w/ a raised pulpit for the imam which was next to the mihrab. What is the mihrab?
10.4 What Was Scholarship and Learning? Arabic b/c the language of learning in the Muslim lands. Muslim rulers built schools, colleges, libraries & other centers of learning. What was the House of Wisdom and what took place there? Many Muslims studied Greeks philosophers. What did Ibn Sina and Al Kindi have in common with St. Thomas Aquinas? Ibn Sina was most famous philosopher who stated that all knowledge came from God and that truth could be known from revelation and reason. Al Kindi blended reason and faith by stating that reason helps understanding God’s revelations.
What’s left of the House of Wisdom
Ibn Sina
10.5 How Did They Contribute to Science and Technology? Muslims studies animals, built zoos, and even presented theories about evolution. They made advancements in astronomy such as creating the compass and astrolabe. How were these helpful in regards to religion? What else did they figure out? They studied the universe and figured the Earth rotated; questioned the idea of the center of the universe. Made advancements in irrigation; dams, aqueducts, wells, reservoirs, water wheels etc. What’s a water wheel?
Study of Zoology
Compass and Astrolabe
10.6 How Did They Contribute to Geography and Navigation? Muslim geographers examined plants and animals in different regions and divided the world into different climate zones. How close did the Muslims come in calculating the Earth’s circumference? They used geography to make very accurate maps. How was their mastery of geography displayed? They wrote guidebooks, explored foreign lands, and used the compass and astrolabe to guide them on journeys.
This is how they measured the Earth’s circumference
The Book of Roads and Provinces
Ancient Muslim Map
10.7 What Were the Advancements in Math? Most of Islamic math was based on Indian and Greek discoveries with their own advancements. Al-Khwarizmi created algebra and his books helped popularize Arabic numbers which were a big help to business and trade. How did they help? They named and helped spread the concept of zero which helped distinguish large numbers.
This is how the numbers evolved
10.8 How Did They Contribute to Medicine? They learned from Greeks, Mesopotamians, and Egyptians. They made the first hospitals (10 th C. Baghdad had 5). Who paid the expenses? Caravans brought treatment to remote villages. What did treatments and remedies consist of? Treatments consisted of drugs, diet, & exercise. Used hundreds of remedies such as herbs, plants, animals, and minerals. They performed operations and discovered that bacteria caused infections. Translated many medical texts.
Muslim Doctors
Muslim Hospital
A Page from the Canons of Medicine
Muslim surgical tools
10.9 What Were Their Contributions to Bookmaking and Literature? In the 8 th C. they learned the art of papermaking from the Chinese which turned into bookmaking, which influenced literature. What did the books look like? Books became big business for the Muslim world. Arab poetry often honored love, praised rulers, or celebrated wit. What is the most famous collection of Arabic stories? Muslim literature was enriched by Sufism, or Islamic mysticism. What is Islamic Mysticism? Usually poems involving intense personal experiences with God.
Rumi, the Sufi poet
10.10 How Did They Contribute to Art and Music? Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, was used to decorate everyday items. Why were calligraphers ranked higher than artists? Textiles, manufactured cloths, were often used as trade goods. The elegance of these served as status symbols. Which types of materials were used? Muslims were famous for making art out of flowers, geometry, arabesque designs and natural patterns. Music was an essential part of Muslim culture. What did Ziryab establish in Spain?
10.11 How Did They Contribute to Recreation? Muslims first learned about the game of Polo from the Persians. What is polo? Horses were a status symbol and very popular with the rich. Chess was also introduced by the Persians. Women and slaves were allowed to play chess.