2 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Objectives Explain how statecharts can be used to describe system behaviors Use statecharts to model system behavior and method logic Explain the importance of design patterns in object- oriented design Briefly describe and use the singleton, adaptor, and observer design patterns
3 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Objectives (continued) Explain why enterprise-level systems require special design consideration Apply UML deployment architectural notation to Web-based systems Explain how Web services work to obtain information on the Internet
4 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Overview Model system and object behavior Statecharts Protect and stabilize systems Protection from variations and indirection Establish best practices in system construction Design patterns, or templates Design for enterprise-level and Web-based systems Distributed and networked environments
5 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Modeling System Behavior and Method Logic with Statecharts Statecharts were used in the requirements discipline to capture status conditions of objects Statecharts are used in the design discipline to Define the behavioral constraints of the system classes created during design ◘Windows menus, authentication and security classes, error-handling classes Describe the method logic within class methods ◘Action-expressions contain information that help define method logic
6 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process System-level Statecharts Designate the states and processing controls of a system Which menu items are enabled or disabled Which windows are modal Which tool bars and icons are active Document possible options presented to users Use state variables to record the value of the current state
7 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-1 Logon statechart for a computer system
8 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Messages, Transitions, and Methods A message causes a transition to fire A transition in a statechart is the execution of a method A method signature is defined by the message to a destination object Action expressions in a statechart define method logic Describes the actions to be performed during a transition
9 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-2 Comparison of methods, messages, and transitions
10 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Action-expressions and Method Logic A sequence diagram may not contain enough internal details about a method Design statecharts extend requirements statecharts Action-expressions contain logic for later coding Transitions that allow the object to remain in the same state Temporary states for inter-model consistency Decision pseudostates to indicate decision points on a paths
11 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-4 Statechart for Order
12 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-5 Design statechart for Order
13 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Design Principles-Protection From Variations Parts of a system that are unlikely to change are segregated from those that will Drives the multilayer design pattern Stable business logic can be protected from variations in the user interface Changes in the business logic are isolated to the controller class
14 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Design Principles-Indirection Indirection is an implementation of the protection from variations principle Decouples classes or other system components by placing an intermediate classes between them Used in many corporate security systems between an internal network and the Internet A proxy server catches all incoming messages and redistributes them to the recipients
15 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Importance of Design Patterns Standard design templates can speed OO design Patterns can exist at different levels of abstraction At the most concrete level, a class definition with code At the most abstract level, an approach to a problem Patterns should contain five main elements Pattern name, problem, solution, example, benefits and consequences
16 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-6 Pattern description for the controller pattern
17 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Basic Design Patterns The authors of Elements of Reusable Object- Oriented Software (referred to as the Gang of Four) developed a basic classification scheme for patterns (Figure 9-7) The 23 GoF patterns are some of the most fundamental and important patterns in use Scores of other patterns have been defined For example, both Java and.NET have sets of enterprise patterns
18 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-7 Classification of design patterns
19 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Singleton Pattern For classes that must have only one instance, but need to be invoked from several classes and locations within the system The class itself controls the creation of only one instance A static variable of the class refers to the object that is created A class method instantiates the object on the first call, and returns a reference to the object on subsequent calls
20 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-8 Singleton pattern template
21 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Adaptor Pattern Plugs an external class into a system Converts the method calls from within the system to match the method names in the external class A standard solution for protection from variations Insulates the system from frequently changing classes An interface is frequently used to specify and enforce the use of correct method names
22 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-10 Adapter pattern template
23 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Observer pattern Used to handle event-processing and reduce coupling The domain class Allows other classes to “subscribe” as listeners “Publishes” the changes to the listeners The windows class Sends a reference of itself to subscribe as a listener Implements the method to be invoked when notified ◘Inherits the method from the listener interface
24 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-11 Three classes in the Create new order use case
25 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-12 Implementation of the observer pattern
26 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-13 Observer pattern template
27 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Designing Enterprise-level Systems Enterprise-level systems share components among multiple people or groups in an organization Enterprise-level systems almost always use multiple tiers of computers Can be client/server network-based or Internet based Designed with deployment diagrams A type of implementation diagram that shows physical components across different locations
28 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-14 Differences between client/server and Internet systems
29 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process UML Notation for Deployment Diagrams Component Executable module or program Has an application program interface (API) that is available to the outside world Node A physical entity at a specific location Frameset A high-level object that holds items to be displayed by a browser
30 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-15 UML component notation
31 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-16 UML node notation Figure 9-17 UML extension for frameset
32 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Simple Internet Architecture Used for viewing static information The browser component executes on the client computer The Internet server component executes on the server computer Pages reside on the server and are sent to the browser for display Program logic is inserted through scripting languages, applets, or other controls
33 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-18 Simple Internet architecture
34 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Two-layer Architecture Primarily captures information from the user and updates the database The domain layer and data access layer are usually combined Input data is sent to a CGI or an application server The user-interface classes often contain the business logic and data access Processing takes place with servlets (Java) or code behind classes (.NET)
35 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-19 Two-layer Internet architecture
36 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Three-layer Architecture Separates domain layer and data access layers Necessary for systems with complex business logic or multiple user interfaces Using CGI Provide a use case controller for each form Using an application server Java tools: Java Server Pages and servlets .NET tools: Common Runtime Language and code behind classes
37 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-20 Three-layer Internet architecture
38 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Web Services A program that provides a service via the Internet The service is posted in a directory so that systems can find it Requests for information go to the UDDI directory UDDI provides the Internet address of a program offering that service The application then requests the information All communication is based on XML to allow for generic data exchange
39 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Figure 9-21 Invoking a Web service
40 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Summary Design statecharts Specify precise behavior and constraints of the various portions of the final system Describe the method logic within an object Good design is based on two factors Good principles Standard design patterns
41 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Summary (continued) Protection from variations Separates components that are likely to change Indirection Intermediate class provides an interface between elements Design pattern examples Singleton Adaptor Observer