Should Early Childhood Be a Profession? If yes, who is in and who is out? If no, is that a problem? Stacie G. Goffin, Pam Winton, Pat Snyder Presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Should Early Childhood Be a Profession? If yes, who is in and who is out? If no, is that a problem? Stacie G. Goffin, Pam Winton, Pat Snyder Presentation at the National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute Chapel Hill NC May 13, 2015

Can the aspiration for inclusion be achieved without there being a unified professional field of practice?

 “How do occupations and professions differ? " “Why does the distinction matter to our field of practice?” © Goffin Strategy Group

Assuming that our professional field of practice is inclusive of all of us, “What would you name our profession?”

Small Group Discussion  What are 2-3 defining characteristics of a profession?  Who “belongs” in the profession of xxxxxx (our name)?

Leading For Our Profession (Goffin, 2013) argues ECE should…….  Formally Organize as A Profession to Realize Consistency in Practice Across Sites and Program Types.  Assume Responsibility for the Competent Practice of Practitioners and Positive Results for Children’s Learning and Development.  Develop Field-Wide Leadership and Shun Reliance on Public Policy for Defining the Field’s Purpose and Structure. © Goffin Strategy Group

Leading For Our Profession asserts ….. It’s Time For Change This Time From Inside-Out “A vocation [occupation] is not a profession just because those in it choose to call it one. It must be recognized as such” (John Goodlad, 1990). © Goffin Strategy Group

CONSIDER…. “Our Dreams Contain the Power to Transform Mediocrity into Magnificence” [Dawn Stankowski]  Left for Us to Decide ….  Whose Dreams will Drive the Field’s Future?  What is the Future we Want to Create? © Goffin Strategy Group

Continue the conversation….  NAECS-SDE Annual Meeting in New Orleans (June 2015)  NAEYC’s Professional Development Institute in New Orleans (June, 2015)  2015 QRIS National Meeting in National Harbor, MD (July 2015)  DEC Conference in Atlanta (October, 2015)  Professionalizing Early Childhood Education As a Field of Practice: A Guide to the Next Era (Goffin - Forthcoming June 2015)  Early Childhood Education for a New Era (Goffin, 2013).  ECE Pioneers For a New Era – to join this ongoing online