Dr. Cynthia Wolf Johnson Associate Provost, Academic Services
Decentralized by Colleges College of Arts & Architecture College of Business College of Computing & Informatics College of Education College of Engineering College of Health & Human Services College of Liberal Arts & Sciences University College (undeclared students) Secondary Advising by Support Units Athletic Academic Center Honors College Multicultural Academic Services Office of Adult Student & Evening Services Office of Veterans Services TRIO Program (BEST Program)
2005: Advising Summit Identification of Problem (data; anecdotal evidence) Noel-Levitz consultant Student panel/Advisor panel Report and recommendations 2006: Reorganization including new position of Associate Provost for Academic Services 2007: Advising Redesign Team appointed 2007: University College and University Advising Center established focusing on undeclared students 2011: Provost’s Student Success Working Group convened
Associate Provost for Academic Services, Chair Associate Deans Dean of University College Faculty Advisors Staff Advisors & Directors of Advising Centers Senior Administrators of Academic Support Departments Registrar, University Career Center, University Center for Academic Excellence, Athletic Academic Center, Orientation, Adult & Evening Student Services All Colleges represented
Agreement on mission, expectations of advisors and students Creation of a central website (advising.uncc.edu)advising.uncc.edu Undergraduate Academic Advising Strategic Plans ( ; revised to ) Consistency & Improved Quality Academic Plan of Study template Departmental advising website guidelines Best practices for evaluation of advising Standards/expectations for all academic departments/colleges
Improvement of Advisor Assignments in Banner New Tools Online tutorial for new advisors Online manual for all advisors Academic Advisor Development Program (intentionally integrating faculty advisors) Campus-wide online advising tool (Niner Advisor; Starfish) Provost’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising
*Survey questions changed after 2010; comparing results does not yield interpretable conclusions because response options have changed from a 4-point scale (“Excellent-Good-Fair-Poor”) to a 5-point scale (“Very Satisfied-Satisfied-Neutral-Dissatisfied-Very Dissatisfied”). In 2013: 74.3% Seniors Very Satisfied & Satisfied with Academic Advising Overall.
Percentage of Undergraduates with No Advisor Assignments in Banner % % % %
Provide accurate and timely information about degree and career-related requirements. Be available during publicized office hours. Respond to students’ inquiries within two business days. Empower each student to make independent and informed decisions. Be knowledgeable about policies and procedures. Serve as a guide, teacher, facilitator, coach, and counselor. Make appropriate referrals.
Encourage active engagement in the curriculum-based advising process by using the CAPP degree audit. Advise from an integrated perspective of general education, major(s), minor(s), experiential learning, study abroad. Ensure smooth transition for students declaring and changing majors. Keep accurate and up-to-date advising records in Niner Advisor. Provide realistic options for students’ decision making and encourage reasonable time to degree. Be resourceful, utilizing web-based resources, advising tools and professional development opportunities.
Niner Advisor (including Niner Tutor), 2009 Online appointment scheduling Online advising records shared by all advisors Starfish, 2015 Online appointment scheduling Online advising records shared by all advisors Early alert Student Success network EAB’s Student Success Collaborative Pilot ; full implementation Spring 2015 Targeted Advising Campaigns each semester (not used for full advising records)
Yes: for all freshmen first and second semesters each semester for all students in some majors (e.g., Biology, Criminal Justice, Physics, Psychology) each semester for some students in some majors/colleges depending on GPA each semester for secondary advising for some groups (e.g., all student-athletes; some students on academic probation) for all students with senior standing in some majors for some students identified through targeted advising using EAB’s Student Success Collaborative platform No: not for all, with hopes that many will effectively self-advise
Methods: SOAR, UNC GA Sophomore & Senior Surveys, NSSE, College/Department Surveys Best Practices (2011) Type: quantitative and qualitative Dimensions: nature of the advising relationship, frequency of different types of activities that take place during advising sessions, students’ satisfaction with academic advising, students’ outcomes (increases in knowledge of academic environment, understanding of career goals etc.), advisors’ satisfaction
Significant! Reason for: Organizational change in 2006 Establishment of Advising Redesign Team in 2007 (high- level, strategic, advocacy) Appointments to chair Task Forces (e.g., one-system online tool; degree audit system) Leading initiatives such as implementation of Starfish Participating in initiatives such as curriculum review Appointments to Provost’s Student Success Working Group Challenges Remain
Examining FT professional advisor positions ; possibly restructure to allow for professional advancement Continue to find ways to integrate academic advisors into curriculum discussions Continue to improve/streamline technology tools Increase group and online advising to meet needs of increased enrollment More cross-training between FT academic advisors, career advisors, and financial aid advisors Continue to find ways to integrate academic advisors into conversations about student success
… from an Advising Summit in 2005 to a Student Success Summit in 2015!