Basic Concepts in Engineering Thermodynamics P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department I I T Delhi Construction of Simple Premises for Valuable Engineering Science..
Definition of Thermodynamics Thermodynamics is defined as the science of energy. The name Thermodynamics stems from the Greek words therme (Heat) and dynamics (Power). –Clearly depicting the early efforts to convert heat into power. Steam power already had many uses - draining water from mines, excavating ports and rivers, forging iron, grinding grain, and spinning and weaving cloth - but it was inefficient.
The Carnot’s Queries A Man Who Proved that Proper Blend of Science, Mathematics and Ingenuity is Good Engineering….
Definition of Engineering Thermodynamics Engineering Thermodynamics is the subject that deals with the study of the science of thermodynamics and the usefulness of this science in the design of each & every process, device or system involving the effective utilization of energy and matter for the benefit of mankind. The Trio of Thermodynamics : Heat, Work & Energy. Matter playing the role of a House.
Albert Einstein`s Opinion on Best Theory A Theory is more impressive or useful –the greater the simplicity of its premises is, –the more different kinds of things it relates, –and the more extended is its area of applicability. Therefore, the deep impression which Classical Thermodynamics made upon me. It is only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced that, within the framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, it will never be overthrown.
Inspiring Words : Albert Einstein When asked what he wished to become, as a young man, Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein said, "I want to become a useful person, not a successful person." Asked what he meant by it, the eminent physicist replied, "A successful person is one who takes from society more than what he gives it. A useful person is one who gives the society more than what he takes from it."
Human Thermodynamics (HT) is the study of heat and work transformations involved in the processes of human existence. Psychodynamics : Originated the application of the First Law of Thermodynamics to the realm of conserved conscious and unconscious and mental processes. Chemical Thermodynamics. Invented by Gibbs. “You are a big chemical reaction. Everything you say, all that you do, all that you see, decide or remember, think or feel is nothing but the manifestation of the chemical reaction that is you.” – Jim Eadon Thermodynamics beyond Engineering
Thermodynamic Vision of Science & Engineering Primitive concepts Accept Theory Secondary concepts Propose Theory Test Theory Impact on Society Industrial Processes Engineering Relations Particular Relations INDUCTION DEDUCTION
Application of Thermodynamics Available Resources (Energy, matter etc.,) Engineering of Thermal processes, devices and systems. Is Design meeting Human’s NEED? YES (task completed) NO Thermodynamics Laws and information Other Engineering Sciences Social Sciences and Humanities
List of Aims Which Demand Thermodynamic Study Achieving of better fuel economy for any power system. Achieving better control of environment with minimum power consumption. Analysis of diseases occurring in biological systems. Creation, Identification and Qualification of of New Resources of Energy. Analysis of behaviour of extreme human activities.
Future Expectations from Light Commercial Vehicles
The first step : Identification of Target FUEL Flow Exhaust gas energy loss Motive Power Air Flow
Parameters of High Concern Exhaust gas energy loss Mass of fuel/km.
Transmission System FUEL Consumption Brake Power The Precise Target ENGINE Exhaust gas energy loss Mileage
One Historical Event for Better focus on the Target In 1893, the Benz Velo became the world's first inexpensive, mass-produced car unites were produced. 0.7 hp and 958cc!!!
More Close Look at the Target
Another Historical Event for Better focus on the Target The Mercedes 35 HP (German: Mercedes 35 PS) was a radical early car model designed in Engine volume: 5,918CC. The racecar was of a disappointing performance by multiple technical complications and enduring just for few laps.
Different Look at the Target