February 26 th This day in history: – 1952: PM Winston Churchill announces Britain has its own atomic bomb Learning Target – I can identify important aspects of the Cold War. Opener: – Which event, person or aspect of the Cold War was the most interesting to you? Why?
People (mostly) Events Home Front VocabularyMisc
Final Jeopardy Category: Origins of the Cold War
Final Jeopardy The Truman Doctrine was created in response to communist rebellions in which two countries?
Closure Reflect – Why was the Cold War significant?
People - 10 Who was the U.S. President at the beginning of the Cold War?
People – 10 Harry Truman
People - 20 Which President favored the use of massive retaliation and brinksmanship to fight the Soviet Union?
People – 20 Dwight Eisenhower
People - 30 Name BOTH candidates in the 1960 Presidential election.
People – 30 John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon
People - 40 Who replaced Stalin as head of the Soviet Union in 1953?
People – 40 Nikita Krushchev
People - 50 What was the name of the dog that sent to space by the Soviet Union on Sputnik 2?
People – 50 Laika
Events - 10 In 1948, what action did the Soviet Union take to try to conquer Berlin?
Events – 10 The Berlin Blockade
Events - 20 What was the first “hot” war in the Cold War?
Events – 20 The Korean War
Events - 30 What was the Bay of Pigs invasion?
Events – 30 Invasion attempt led by CIA to overthrow Fidel Castro, dictator of Cuba
Events - 40 In what country did the Suez crisis occur?
Events – 40 Egypt (Suez Canal)
Events- 50 When did the Soviet Union test its first atomic bomb?
Events – 50 (September) 1949
Home Front- 10 What was the Red Scare?
Home Front – 10 Fear of communists taking over the U.S.
Home Front - 20 What was the job of the Civil Defense Administration?
Home Front – 20 Prepare the U.S. for nuclear attack
Home Front- 30 What famous couple was executed after being accused of being a Soviet spy?
Home Front – 30 The Rosenbergs
Home Front - 40 What organization did Congress create to investigate possible communists?
Home Front – 40 House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Home Front - 50 What event led to Joseph McCarthy’s fall from power?
Home Front – 50 Televised accusations against the U.S. Army
Vocabulary - 10 What is an arms race?
Vocabulary – 10 Competition between two countries to build up the most and the best weapons
Vocabulary - 20 What’s the difference between a treaty and an armistice?
Vocabulary – 20 A treaty is a permanent end to a war. An armistice is a temporary stop in the fighting.
Vocabulary - 30 What was the Truman Doctrine?
Vocabulary – 30 The U.S. commitment to aiding countries fighting communism.
Vocabulary - 40 What is McCarthyism?
Vocabulary – 40 Wild and unproven accusations of disloyalty (or communism)
Vocabulary - 50 What was brinksmanship?
Vocabulary – 50 U.S. strategy during the Cold War in which we remained on the edge of war to discourage communist aggression
Miscellaneous- 10 What was the “Iron Curtain”?
Miscellaneous – 10 Dividing line between capitalist Western Europe and communist Eastern Europe
Miscellaneous - 20 How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved?
Miscellaneous – 20 Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba in exchange for U.S. removing missiles from Turkey
Miscellaneous - 30 What alliance did the U.S. form to combat the Soviet Union?
Miscellaneous – 30 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Miscellaneous - 40 What was the Civil Defense Administration's mascot?
Miscellaneous – 40 Bert the Turtle
Miscellaneous - 50 Who was John Foster Dulles?
Miscellaneous – 50 Eisenhower’s Secretary of State, Creator of brinksmanship strategy