EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT Company Name Contact Center Brand/Name
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA 2015 INSTRUCTION This template should be used for Employee Engagement. Template can be modified, subject to your company template or regulation. Please do not change the sequence of content to avoid misunderstanding of evaluators. All information and data that presented have to be in period of Jan to Dec 2014 or April 2014 to March Estimated time to present, include Question and Answer is 30 minutes per categories.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA BACKGROUND Please describe the main reason as the background of this development program implementation, include opportunities or obstacles encountered.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA OBJECTIVE Please describe the objective along with targets and indicators to be achieved for the implementation of this development program. Please select one or more of the following indicators as targets of the program: Corporate Competitiveness, Income or Profits, Decrease / Cost Savings, Customer Satisfaction, Employee Satisfaction.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA RECRUITMENT PROGRAM Please provide recruitment programs with 1 year period, including type of recruitment and number of hired employee. Please include any creative ideas that has been implemented as new recruitment programs (if any).
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA TRAINING PROGRAM Please provide lists of training program, including information on average man-days or man-hours per employee training. Please include any creative ideas that has been implemented as new training programs (if any). Please provide any certification programs that has been implemented within 1 year for employee both internal and external to perform the job.
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA RETENTION PROGRAM Please provide any retention and motivation programs that has been implemented within 1 year for employee to retain them in contact center. Please include any creative ideas that has been implemented as new retention programs (if any).
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA TURNOVER & RETENTION RATE Please provide number of agent that leave contact center and number of agent that provide services month by month within 1 year period. KPI AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMar Total Agent New Agent Agent Resign Turnover Rate (%)
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Please provide methodology to measure employee satisfaction index and employee engagement, include comparative performance achievement, before and after the implementation of development programs. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Methodology Before the program (by date) After the program (by date) Employee Satisfaction Index Employee Engagement Other KPI
THE BEST CONTACT CENTER INDONESIA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please provide any additional information as evidence that able to support the implementation of program. Supporting information can be provided in the form of videos or photographs or images.