The theme was submitted through the Reflections Theme Search Contest by Rachel Sperry Northwood, North Dakota
Participation in the arts… Levels the playing field for underserved students. Develops the whole-child. Nurtures creativity and teamwork. Connects family, schools, and communities. All children deserve opportunities to explore and be involved in the arts.
1. PTA Reflections® 2. Program Planning and Organizing Your Team 3. Promoting Reflections 4. Program Rules and Eligibility 5. Reflections Program Structure 6. Preparing Your Entries For The State Level 7. Wrapping Up
Since 1969, the Reflections program has allowed millions of students to explore their artistic talents in an educational way. “The cultural arts are happiness. Happiness is drawing, dancing, finger painting. Happiness is modeling with clay, making music or a poem, performing a play.” -Mary Lou Anderson, founder of National PTA’s Reflections Program
Mary Lou Anderson Reflections Arts Enhancement Grants Applications Available January 4, 2016 at Applications Due March 11, 2016 Tennessee PTA Arts Enhancement Grants Applications Available at Applications Due to the State Office March 1, 2016 (this was made available through a grant from Wal-Mart)
Create a committee Establish a timeline Communicate with other PTA leaders Represent your Local PTA at statewide arts-related events
Announce planning meetings, ask school leaders to make recommendations, extend personal invitations Utilize your student leaders Consider school staff Assign specific tasks to volunteers without requiring their attendance at planning meetings Cultivate community arts professionals Recruiting Volunteers Sources may include working arts professionals or arts students in local arts organizations, companies and colleges. Examples: Newspaper Editors/Arts Reviewers & Local TV News Producers College/university Professors, Graduate Fellows, Undergraduate Students Never use a parent or teacher in your school for judging Recruiting Judges
We have National PTA winners every year. This art work was on display at the National PTA Convention and US Dept of Education.
Award of Excellence ◦ Aisha Patel – Music Composition, Primary Division, A.L. Lotts Elementary PTA ◦ Laney Fowler – Photography, Primary Division, Nolan Elementary PTA Award of Merit ◦ Caroline Henson – Dance Choreography, Middle School Division, Collierville Middle School PTA ◦ Ayush Doshi – Film Production, Primary Division, Northshore Elementary PTA ◦ Charlie Dorset – Film Production, Intermediate Division, Farragut Intermediate PTA ◦ Olivia Gregory – Literature, High School Division, Germantown High School PTSA ◦ Kiersten Morris – Photography, High School Division, L&N STEM Academy PTSA
Students & Families Host assembly Provide morning announcements Hang posters and flyers Post on websites Post a blog/ newspaper article Use Facebook/ Twitter Appoint student leaders Teachers & Administrators Visit staff meetings Link Reflections to curriculum Plan awards ceremony with school leaders Community Serve as judges Exhibit artwork Donate Provide media coverage Post announcements on bulletin boards
PTA Units can participate in one or more arts categories Dance Choreography Film Production Literature Music Composition Photography Visual Arts Students can participate in any or all arts categories
Primary – Preschool through Grade 2 Intermediate – Grade 3 through Grade 5 Middle School – Grade 6 through 8 High School – Grade 9 through Grade 12 Special Artist Option 1 – Enter in the traditional grade division most closely aligned with student’s functional ability. Option 2 – Enter in Special Artist Division (all grades)
General Participation Rules Arts Category Rules Student Eligibility and Entry Guidelines This information can be found on the Tennessee PTA website – It is very important to understand General and Category Rules.
Students must be affiliated with a PTA/PTSA in good standing, as determined by Tennessee PTA Students may submit entries in more than one arts category Artwork must be original and created for the purpose of this contest and this year’s theme Only one student may create the work and be recognized as the award recipient, but other students may appear in the artwork itself General participation, specific arts category and Special Artist Division rules must be followed at all levels
To be in “Good Standing” with Tennessee PTA: 1.You must submit a current membership report, along with general membership dues paid by December 1, You must have current Bylaws, approved by Tennessee PTA 3.You must have at least 20 members.
Visual Arts has two changes: Two dimensional work no longer is restricted to 3/8-inch thick maximum. Three dimensional artwork is now accepted: ◦ Must be able to be moved for display purposes. ◦ Must include 3 photos of the entry (a combination of angles) for judging, ID and exhibition purposes (entries that require assembling/repairing from transporting will be disqualified).
1.Set your DEADLINE dates for turning in Reflection Entries. Check with your Council for their deadline dates and set yours accordingly. 2.Collect your Reflection Entries, along with the original entry form and participation form. Put forms inside a protective sleeve and attach to the entry. 3.Sort your entries by category and have them ready for your judges. 4.When judging is complete, return your non-winning entries to the students. 5.Be sure to recognize your winners and your judges. 6.Now it is time to prepare entries to move to the next level of judging.
1.Fill out the paper PTA Participation Form 2.Go to: 3.Click on: National PTA Reflections Online Registration (yellow box) “Register Now” Button 4.Follow directions as you go through the process to enter information from your form. 5.A webinar for Online Registration may be found at:
1.The DEADLINE for Tennessee PTA Reflection Entries is January 22, All entries sent to the Tennessee PTA State Office must include the original artwork with the original student entry form. (For 3D visual arts, send three photos and student entry form. Do NOT send in original 3D artwork.) 3.You must also include the “Participation Form” (total number of students that participated, in each category) 4.You must also include the “Local Unit/Council Inventory Form” for all entries sent to the state level. 5.Each Local Unit and Council may send up to five (5) entries for each category, including the “Special Artist” division. Accordingly, you should send NO more than thirty-five (35) entries total. (Exception – when a local unit covers more than one school, then follow guidance for each school as if a local unit, i.e., up to 35 entries per school.) 6.Ensure that all digital files are in the proper format. Please send original plus one copy of all Literature entries. 7.You must enter registrations using the online system, as well, and enter student entry information, including uploading student entries, for all entries advancing to state.
Ship/Mail entries to:
1.Complete online registration and student entry form for advancing artwork. 2.Verify that all paperwork is included before mailing entries to the state level (Student Entry Form with the artwork, Registration Form and Inventory Form for your unit/council). 3.The deadline for state entries is January 22, Don’t forget to thank your judges! 5.Celebrate with your students for accomplishments. 6.Thank your principal, teachers and parent volunteers.