Alhambra Unified Special Education Programs
Meet the Alhambra Special Education Staff Administrators Instructional Specialists Michele Yamarone, Director (Birth-8th) Pat Mahoney, Director (High School - Adult Transition) Eric Medrano, Coordinator Christine Chung Jennifer Miranda Harry Wong Cathleen Wu
Birth to Three Years Old AUSD provides Deaf and Hard of Hearing EARLY START services for children from Birth until their third birthday. This service is provided SELPA wide to all identified students Students are referred from hospitals, doctors, Regional Center and parents Services are provided in the home and are based on family goals for the child.
Autism, Intensive Needs, Severe Needs, DHH and Language Based Preschool Services Preschool services are provided to children ages 3-5. Students are assessed by the Preschool Assessment Team, or for Speech only needs, by the Speech Therapist Students who need speech only services receive their services at Moor Field Students who need more intensive support can attend Moor Field Early Education Center in their Special Day Classes: Autism, Intensive Needs, Severe Needs, DHH and Language Based
Elementary Services Resource Specialist Program…RSP Provided by a special education teacher At every elementary School Students are in general education classes and receive services per their IEP Collaboration model at the 8th grade level Speech and Language Services Provided by the speech therapist At every school Services provided per student IEPs
Elementary Services Special Day Class…SDC Provided to students who need more intensive services Taught by a special education teacher Classes are at a variety of schools Types of programs: Learning Disabled Language Based Autism Severely Disabled Moderately Developmentally Disabled (MDD) Deaf and Hard of Hearing
High School to Adult Transition
General Education with Support- High school diploma classes Students are placed in General Education Classes with support Accommodations put into place to assist students with support with accessing general education curriculum Students are placed in a General Education class using the collaboration model Support from a special education teacher or an Instructional Aide Resource Class to provide assistance with homework/re-teaching
Special Education Classes – high school diploma classes IEP teams Placement and services Smaller class sizes Each class is separate – by subject Math Integration English – EDGE Science Social Studies
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program for SELPA-Self Contained class at Alhambra High School Students who do not need a self contained class are at their home high school with support Students placed in the DHH self contained class receive: Students are in a self-contained class for core subjects Students are mainstreamed for electives with aide support (IEP team decisions) Students participate in school wide activities/assemblies
Non Diploma Specialized Classes
Mild Developmental Disability classes – Alhambra High School Campus Mild Development Disability classes – Alhambra High School Campus For students who are on a non diploma track Students are in a self-contained class for functional academic subjects Students are mainstreamed for electives with aide support (IEP team decisions) Students participate in school wide activities/assemblies Community based Integration classes a part of the program Garden MOOR Friends Club
Moderate to Severe Disabled Classes – Mark Keppel High School Self Contained classes For students who are on a non diploma track Students are in a self-contained class for functional academics Students participate in school wide activities/assemblies Community based Integration classes a part of the program Garden
Adult Transition Program –Learning Independence Through Transition (LIFT) This program is for students on a non diploma track who are eligible to receive services through the IEP until they age out at 22. Community Based Integration Volunteer Work Experience Functional Academics Daily Living Skills Communication and Social Skills
Support Services Speech and Language Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Adapted Physical Education Orthopedic Impairment Specialist Counseling Specialized services for DHH, VI and OI
Exciting Additions for 2015-2016 Elementary School MDD Program expansion to include 2-6th grade SD Program expansion to include 2-3 grade Autism/SD program K-2 High School Opening of program for students for students who need a specialized program to support social /emotional needs. Additional MDD class Our goal is to create special education programs in Alhambra USD so that every student is served within our District!
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Special Education 2014-2015 A new adult transition program site (LIFT South) was developed for students with Orthopedic Impairments and Moderate to Severe Disabilities. The program consists of three classrooms and a skills room. Teachers, support staff, and an administrator were hired A third class was opened at the existing adult transition program (LIFT North) for students with Mild Developmental Disabilities. A teacher and support staff were hired. A class for students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities was added to Mark Keppel High School. A teacher and support staff were hired. An elementary class for students with Mild Developmental Disabilities was opened at Emery Park. A teacher and support staff were hired.