Western Coalfields Limited Workshop on “The Technology Development & Mechanisation of Mines for enhancing Coal Production & Productivity ” 20th January, 2015 Presentation by Western Coalfields Limited
Western Coalfields Limited WCL operates 80 Mines (41 UG, 39 OC) in 10 Areas (7 in Maharashtra & 3 in Madhya Pradesh) WCL contributes more than 7% of the total National Coal Production from its 3.26% of the total National Geological Coal Reserves 2
Western Coalfields Limited Coal Reserves (in Billion Tonnes) Coalfield Resources Reserves Total Maharashtra Wardha Valley 2.90 0.82 3.72 Umrer Nand Bander 0.36 0.21 0.57 Kamptee 0.87 1.08 Madhya Pradesh Pench Kanhan 1.07 0.20 1.27 Pathakhera 0.22 0.07 0.29 5.42 1.51 6.93 (As on 01.04.2013) 3
Unique Feature of WCL Adverse geo - mining condition Deep seated Reserve High stripping ratio Presence of Black Cotton Soil & Silt Lower grade Coal Smaller Capacity Opencast Projects Very old and extensive UG Mines Heavy Water seepage (Kamptee Series)
Performance at a Glance : Coal Production Growth: 10.75% Performance at a Glance : Coal Production Growth: 10.7% 43.65 44.00 43.11 42.29 39.73 Million Tonnes Figures in Million Tonnes 5 5
Performance at a Glance : OB Removal Growth 8.26 % Performance at a Glance : OB Removal Growth: 8.3% 130.00 121.00 122.49 120.08 115.82 113.69 Million Cum Figures in Million CuM 6
Performance at a Glance : Composite Production Growth 8.26 % Performance at a Glance : Composite Production Growth: 8.7% Growth: 8.3% Million Cum ECL BCCL CCL MCL OBR 85.757 85.419 59.22 96.028 Coal 36.047 32.612 50.022 110.439 24.03133 21.74133 33.348 73.626 Composite 109.7883 107.1603 92.568 169.654 FY 2013-14 CCL BCCL ECL WCL MCL Composite Production (Mcum) 92.57 107.16 109.78 145.7 169.65 7
Performance at a Glance : Coal Offtake Year OC UG Total 1973-74 1979-80 1991-92 1996-97 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 0.75 1.84 15.75 21.36 27.52 28.43 30.02 31.76 33.16 33.30 33.53 34.59 36.12 34.95 34.72 5.78 7.76 8.99 9.86 9.49 9.39 9.51 9.65 10.04 9.91 9.98 10.11 9.62 8.70 8.39 6.53 9.60 24.74 31.22 37.01 37.82 39.53 41.41 43.20 43.21 43.51 44.70 45.74 43.65 43.11 PROG- RAMME: 2012-13 36.18 8.82 45.00 43.51 44.70 45.73 WESTERN COALFIELDS LIMITED 133.97 43.21 126.66 113.89 106.33 Performance at a Glance : Coal Offtake Mode Actual Prog. 12-13 73-74 10-11 11-12 Rail Road MGR Other 4.68 1.50 - 17.54 20.54 0.81 3.66 18.04 18.80 1.07 4.05 19.04 21.31 1.10 3.80 TOTAL 6.18 42.55 41.96 45.25 Offtake Growth 12.65% 45.00 42.56 41.97 41.55 39.95 SL. NO. ITEMS UNIT ACTUAL 2011-12 TARGET 2012-13 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 5.0 6.0 Overall Production Underground Production Opencast Production Washed Coal Production Washed Coal Despatch Overburdem Removal Overall Productivity U.G. Productivity O.C. Productivity Off-take Wagon Loading (MT) (LT) (M.CU.M) (TONNE) (BOXES/DAY) 43.11 8.39 34.72 1.37 1.36 122.49 2.70 1.08 4.22 41.97 761 45.00 8.82 36.18 1.88 130.0 2.58 1.07 3.99 45.25 887 106.33 45.73 43.51 44.70 43.65 43.21 Coal Production (MT) TARGET (BE) Figures in Million Tonnes 8 44.90 45.36 45.51 42.17
Trend Of Coal Production, Offtake & Operating Profit/ Loss Impact of NCWA-IX Million Tonnes Crore Rs. 9
Strategy adopted for Enhancement of Production Coal Production (MT) 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 BAU 41.85 39.45 33.36 32.75 32.28 Internal efforts : Five projects 1.60 4.60 6.50 9.30 12.50 BG Relaxation : Six projects 0.50 0.80 1.40 1.80 2.37 Revision of CMPDIL norms : Nine projects 1.05 3.15 8.74 11.15 12.85 Total Production 45.00 48.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 10 *To achieve the production level of 60.00 MTPA, the Volume of OBR will be around 302 Million Cum. i.e. 2.5 times the present level of OBR of 120 Million Cum.
Year wise Opening of Projects 25-Mar-18 25-Jul-19 Year wise Opening of Projects Year Name of Project Area State Capacity (Mty) Opening Date 2014-15 (7.00 MT) 1 Makardhokra-I OC Umrer MAH 2.00 28-Nov-14 2 Bhanegaon OC Nagpur 1.00 25-Jan-15 3 Penganga OC Wani 4.00 25-Mar-15 2015-16 (15.58 MT) 4 Gokul OC 1.50 25-May-15 5 Sharda UG Kanhan MP 0.32 25-Jun-15 6 Dinesh OC 25-Jul-15 7 Dhau North UG 0.36 25-Aug-15 8 New Majri UG to OC Majri 0.80 25-Sep-15 9 Amalgamated Yekona-I & II OC 2.50 25-Oct-15 10 Singhori OC 25-Nov-15 11 Amalgamated Pauni-II & III OC Ballarpur 25-Jan-16 12 Tawa -III UG Pathakera 25- Feb-16 13 Chincholi OC 0.30 25-Mar-16 14 Kamptee Deep OC Replacement Project 11
Year wise Opening of Projects Name of Project Area State Capacity (Mty) Opening Date 2016-17 (9.20 MT) 15 Mungoli Nirguda Deep OC Wani MAH 4.00 25-Apr-16 16 Hindustan Lalpeth Expn. OC Chandrapur 1.00 25-May-16 17 Dhuptala Extn. (Sasti UG to OC) * Ballarpur 1.70 25-Jul-16 18 Padmapur Deep OC 2.50 25-Jan-17 2017-18 (3.14 MT) 19 Niljai Expansion (Deep) OC 3.00 25-Apr-17 20 Harrradol UG Kanhan MP 0.14 25-May-17 Grand Total 34.92 (Mah -33.1 MP -1.82) Contribution from above 20 Projects by 2019-20 27.72 BAU Production by 2019-20 due to depletion of reserves 32.28 Total Production by 2019-20 60.00 Replacement Project 12
Coal Demand Vis-à-vis Production MILLION TONNES YEAR 13
Group-wise Production Scenario Group-wise Future Production Scenario Group-wise Production Scenario Total Production Ongoing Projects Million Tonnes Future Projects Existing & Completed Projects Year 14
Share of UG and OC production Total Production Million Tonnes OC UG Year 15
OC Composite Production : Departmental & Outsourcing 335.23 311.72 Production Mode 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Coal Deptt 29.09 30.00 OS 7.91 9.78 11.69 16.23 20.83 Total 37.00 39.78 41.69 46.23 50.83 OBR 63.01 65.00 65 67.00 68.00 91.99 162.90 198.79 214.89 234.44 155.00 227.90 263.79 281.89 302.44 Composite 81.78 84.35 86.35 87.35 97.09 169.21 206.33 225.36 247.88 178.87 253.56 290.69 311.72 335.23 290.69 253.56 178.87 Figures in Million CuM 16
Opencast : Existing & Required Equipment 17
Existing HEMM Population Equipment Model Capacity Population Dragline 3 Shovels, Electric Rope 5 Cu.mt 39 Shovels, Hydraulic More than 2.5 Cu.mt 67 Less than 2.5 Cu.mt 29 Dumpers 35 Ton 55 50 Ton 225 60 Ton 174 Equipment Model Capacity Population Dozer Crawler 410 HP 6 320 hp 139 Wheel Dozer 460 HP 12 RBH Drill 250 mm 21 160 mm 82 Graders 280 HP 24 Cranes 30 -40 Ton 11 TOTAL 887 18
Status of existing major Equipment & their Performance SN Equipment Capacity Supplier (No) Performance 1 Dragline 24Cum /96 m 20 Cum /90 m 9Cu Yds /70 Yds Bucyrus (1) Uralmash(1) Marion (1) Age – 23 Yrs Age – 22 Yrs Age - 45 Yrs 2 Electrical Rope Shovel 5 Cum HEC (39) Delayed supply of spare parts Inferior quality of spares 19
Status of existing major Equipment & their Performance SN Equipment Capacity Supplier (No) Performance 3 Hyd. Excavator 4.5/5.5 Cum BEML (28) Swing pump life –failing at an average life of 7000 Working Hour , against desired life of 20,000 WH Power-Take Off–failing at an average life of 8000 WH, against desired life of 20,000 WH TATA Hitachi(15) High cost of sub assemblies. 4 Dumper 60/50 T BEML(248 ) Poor Supply of spare parts Less Transmission Life Caterpillar (151 ) High cost of spares 20
HEMM to be procured against replacement Equipment Model Capacity Shovel Hydraulic 4.3 / 5.5 Cu.mt Less than 2.5 Cu.mt Dumper 60 Ton Dozer, Crawler 410 HP 320 HP Wheel Dozer 460 HP RBH Drill 250 mm 160 mm Grader 280 HP Crane 30 - 40 Ton 21
HEMM required for new projects (Dept.) Equipment Model Capacity Shovel Hydraulic 5 - 6 Cu.mt 4.3 / 5.5 Cu.mt Dumper 60 Ton Dozer 410 HP 320 HP RBH Drill 160 mm 22
Proposed HEMM required for new projects (Outsourcing) Equipment Model Capacity Shovel Hydraulic 3.1 Cum 4 Cum 10 Cum Dumper 18.7 Cum 19.5 Cum 100T Surface Miner 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Excv 3.1 Cum 4 5 6 8 10 Dumper (18.7 Cum) 21 25 30 42 54 Excv (4 Cum) 38 67 82 89 97 Dumper (19.5 Cum) 148 263 321 346 378 Excavator (3.1 Cum)- 10, Dumper (18.7 Cum) -54 Excavator (4Cum) -97, Dumper (19.5 Cum) -378 Excavator (10 Cum) -7, Dumper (100 T) -35 & Surface MIner - 4 23
Underground : Existing & Required Equipment 24 24
Underground : Existing Major Equipment SN Equipment Population 1 Continuous Miner Package 2 SDL ( 1.0 Cum) 72 3 LHD (1.5 Cum) 113 4 UDM 45 5 Man Riding System 09 25
Status of existing major Equipment & their Performance SN Equipment Supplier (No) Performance 1 Continuous Miner Joy Global (1) Inadequate performance of Quad Bolter 2 SDL ( 1.0 Cum) Eimco(57) BEML (14) Design flaws in the machine Delayed supply of spares Inadequate Service support Simplex (1) 3 LHD ( 1.5 Cum) Eimco (101) Simplex (12) Inadequate service support 4 UDM Eimco (36) Simplex (9) 26
Replacement Equipment To Maintain Existing Production Machine Capacity SDL 1.0 Cum LHD 1.5 Cum UDM 27
Underground: New Projects Introduction of Continuous Miner Package on hiring basis Mass Production Technology package @ 1 MTY of coal production on Turnkey basis (MDO Route) Manriding system 28
Continuous Miner Package on Hiring Basis S.No. NAME OF MINE Potential Production (MTPA) Estimated Year of Production 1. Tawa-II Expn. 0.36 2016-17 2. Waghoda 0.39 3. Tawa-I 0.70 4. Naheriya 0.34 2017-18 5. Dhau North 6. Sharda 0.315 2018-19 29
Turnkey Projects through MDO Route S. No. Name Of Mine Proposed Technology Potential Production (MTPA) Estimated Year of Production 1. Tawa-III Mass Production technology(LW/CCT) 1.00 2018-19 30
Installation of Manriding Systems in UG Mines 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 Nandgaon Rajur Mahakali Saoner III AB Incline Adasa Naheriya HLC-1 Mathani Patansaongi Saoner II Vishnupuri II Ghorawari Silewara (Winder) Ambara 2 3 3+1(Winder) 4 31
Coal Evacuation & CHP Required 32 32
Coal Evacuation Year-wise, Mode-wise 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Production 45.0 48.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 Rail 23.29 25.29 26.79 32.06 35.61 Road 17.03 17.11 17.60 18.31 19.26 MGR 1.10 Despatch 3.60 4.50 4.52 3.53 4.03 Offtake Rakes/day 16.3 17.8 18.8 22.6 25.0 Fig. in MT
Coal Evacuation of 60 MT by 2019-20 Presently WCL is maintaining evacuation arrangement for 45 MT through 19 no. of Railway sidings Additional 7 MT will be evacuated by utilizing spare capacity of existing sidings Silo arrangement for 2 OC projects (8 MT) & Rail Connectivity (15 Km) up to silos by 2019-20 34
CHP : Existing Crushing Equipment SN Equipment Population 1 Feeder Breaker/Crusher (-200mm) 42 2 Crusher(-100mm) 4 35
Feeder Breaker/ Crusher CHPs : Plan for 2015-16 Machine Capacity Secondary Crushers -100mm output Feeder Breaker/ Crusher 36
Major area of concern Availability of experienced Contractors Dept HOE Total Excv 71 114 185 Dumpers 282 467 749 Major area of concern Availability of experienced Contractors Availability of required Excavators, Dumpers/Hauling Trucks and matching support equipment in a span of four years for existing and new projects. Trained Manpower for both Departmental & Outsourced equipment 37
Suggestions Workshop for Outsourcing Agencies with participation of all Subsidiaries. Year-wise schedule may also be drawn by Suppliers/Manufacturers Skill Development Centers at Subsidiary level to tap in-house as well as external (PAPs) potential. 38
Thank You