24/25 March 2015 Reykjavik “From Gaps to Caps – Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR” TASK D COMPARISON OF EVALUATIONS OF EMERGENCIES AND EXERCISES Jürgen Krempin Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service Hamburg Fire Service Academy
Acronym Coordinator / Beneficiary Participating Organisations ERBAB3 Estonian Rescue Board FRDCO Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania Project Coordinator FHFRSAB2 Frederikssund-Halsnæs Brand- & Redningsberedskab (Denmark) HFRSAB5 Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service (Germany) Task Leader MOIFAB4 Ministry of the Interior of Finland MSBAB10 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency SFRSAB7 State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia SGSPAB9 The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw (Poland) UOIAB6 University of Iceland
Objectives Task D will serve to compare evaluations of previous incidents/emergencies and exercises and to draw conclusions on differences and similarities of best practices and main gaps while planning and assessing capabilities in the Baltic Sea Region.
Schedule and Deliverables
2015 Name of the action DescriptionResults / Remarks Mar D.1 Task D kick off conference and planning workshop, Reykjavik First meeting for the core team in Iceland with the purpose of initiating the work of the task. Conceptualization of the Task. Formulated outcomes and decisions from kick off workshop detailed task implementation plan April May D.2 Seminar No. 1 on defining criteria for evaluation reports, Riga Developing and defining of the evaluation form. Criteria for the evaluation form will be compiled during the seminar for comparison of evaluations under D.3 June D.3 Comparing evaluations of emergencies and exercises This will be the main goal of Task D and the most important activity... Compiling one document for CBSS Member States in the EU Civil Protection Mecha- nism about evaluations of … July Aug First Progress Report Sep (5 th -10 th months) … for achieving tangible results … emergencies and exercises. Submitting these documents to task leader. Oct
2015Name of the action DescriptionResults / Remarks NovD.4 Seminar No. 2 on gathering the evalua- tions of the partners, Tallinn This seminar will focus on the evaluations submitted by all partners and dis- cussing on their content as well as pointing out the key observations in them. Comparing the member states’ evaluation docu- ments, preparing a summing up document taking in consideration the results of Actions D.2 and D.3. Comparison of evaluations of emergencies and exercises Input to Task C document in the form of conclusions Dec
2016 Name of the action DescriptionResults / Remarks Jan Feb Mar 30.3.Second Progress Report April May June D.5 Seminar No. 3 on compilation of the final document of Task D, Hamburg This Seminar will focus on the form and content of the final document incl. the conclusions made during discussions in the Seminar No. 2. Final document produced July AugD.6 Final Seminar of Task C / D, Vilnius This Seminar will focus on the inclusion of Task D results into the final document with all partners from Task C/D Final product of the project
2016 Name of the action DescriptionResults / Remarks Sept OctD.7 Final report compilation and final conference of the Project, Stockholm Final conference discussing the compiled final report (con- sisting of the final reports of each Task) and the way forward. This action includes also the coordination of the compilation of the final report Final report produced and the result discussed. Framing of the next steps in this field Final Report Nov Dec
To be considered Main challenge: To „find“ existing evaluations of exercises, incidents/emergencies
To be considered Exercises what kind of exercises? Incidents/emergencies what kind of …? Contact partners for the existing evaluations Table / matrix to enable a comparison of different evaluations Differences and similarities of best practices and main gaps in the own country in comparison to the CBSS countries How to plan and assess capabilities in the Baltic Sea Region. etc. to be continued during Kick Off of Task D (tomorrow)
Thank you for your attention !
Contact Lead Partner Task D Jürgen Krempin Hamburg Fire Service Academy International Cooperation - Head of Unit - addressBredowstr Hamburg / Germany telephon mobile mail (office) mail (out of office) Marko Florek Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service Fire Prevention Department addressWestphalensweg Hamburg / Germany telephon mobile mail (office) mail (out of office)