Chapter 9 Comparing Web Technologies
Agenda Browser Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Common Gateway Interface Web Application Server Plug-in
Browser Selection Criteria Popular Browser Next generation
Selection Criteria OS platform –Unix –Windows –Lynx Standards –World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) –Backward-compatible –Forward-compatible
Selection Criteria Functions –Frames –Forms –Tables –Fonts –Cascade style sheet (CSS) –JavaScript –Java
Selection Criteria Functions –Plug-ins –News –Mail –HTML editor Reliability Cost
Selection Criteria Support –Vendor –Third party Hardware requirement –Server side –Client side Speed/performance
Selection Criteria Types –Text-based –Multimedia-based –Online –Offline (Offline Explorer) Standard compliance Can you think any other selection criteria for browser?
Popular Browser Netscape Communicator Internet Explorer Opera Lynx Amaya Arachne HotJava
Next Generation Desired features –Integrated Internet service –Open source code for quality and portability –Real-time communication for chat –Small and modular programs –Speed –Standards Compliance –Anything else?
Next Generation Reality –Incompatible/proprietary feature –Complexity/more memory requirement –Unreliable/more bug/more insecure What do you think about the reality?
Agenda Browser Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Common Gateway Interface Web Application Server Plug-in
Hypertext Markup Language HTML 4.0 Dynamic HTML Extensible markup language
Agenda Browser Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Common Gateway Interface Web Application Server Plug-in
Common Gateway Interface General concepts Languages Language selection criteria
General Concept Common gateway interface (CGI) enables interaction between a web server and a browser using the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) CGI handles information requests and return the appropriate document or generate a dynamic document CGI is a gateway between database and web browser
Languages C C++ Java JavaScript Jscript ECMAScript Perl Python VisualBasic Script
Language Selection Criteria Hardware-independent Browser-independent Fast prototyping Easy to use and read Efficient and complete Object-oriented Portable Multi-platform environment Event handling and client-side execution Create and read cookies
Agenda Browser Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Common Gateway Interface Web Application Server Plug-in
Web Application Server General Concepts Selection Criteria Products
General Concepts Three-tier architecture –Client –Database server –Web application server Functions of web application server –Transaction management –Clustering and load balancing
Selection Criteria Easy to use Functions –File, proxy, redirect and virtual hosting Interaction with heterogeneous databases Availability Security Scalability
Selection Criteria Performance Transaction Integrity Speed Quality of service Rapid application development Platform-independent
Selection Criteria Manageability Portability Integration with legacy systems Can you think any other selection criteria for web application server?
Products Avenida Web Server Bea WebLogic Enterprise Cold Fusion Enterprise Application Server eXcelon Inprise Application Server Lotus Domino Application Server
Products Netwcape Application Server SilverStream WebObjects WebSphere Application Server Sope
Agenda Browser Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Common Gateway Interface Web Application Server Plug-in
Purpose Products
Purpose Interact with browser, web pages, local and Internet resources Native application for a certain processor, hardware and operating system
Products Adobe Acrobat Reader –Acrobat portable document format (PDF) –Distribute online brochure and technical documentation via Internet Apple Quicktime –Maximum exposure and viewing multimedia CD-ROM on the web
Products Platinum Cosmoplayer –Display documents in the virtual reality markup language (VRML) –3D world Macromedia Shockwave –Standard plug-in for multimedia on Internet Do you have any experience with these products?
Points to Remember Browser Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Common Gateway Interface Web Application Server Plug-in