Pulse Echo Tester works on-------------------------------- principle. Black Brown pair is the -----------pair of a 20 pair cable. A 400 pair cable consists of ----- number of super units of -------pair size. The cable from MDF to Cabinet is called ……………………………………. The DC potential between A or B wire to earth is ………………………………… Colour of the third binder for unit identification in a PIJF cable is …………….. The Outer Zone of an exchange area is made up of a number of …………………….. areas. The binder colour and the colour of the 69 th pair in a 100 pair cable is ………………..binder and ………………………………….. Pillars are numbered from ----- - to ------- …………………………………… is the weakest portion in the length of any cable.
Yellow Brown pair is the -----------pair of a 20 pair cable. A 800 pair cable consists of ………… number of super units of …………pair size. The cable from Pillar to DP is called ……………………………………. The lay of various cable pairs are so chosen as to satisfy …………… & …………… Colour of the fourth binder for unit identification in a PIJF cable is …………….. Normally Telephone Exchanges are located in a place called …………………….. The binder colour and the colour of the 84 th pair in a 100 pair cable is ………………..binder and ………………………………….. 96+8 pair PCM cable consists of …………… number of units of ………….. pair size. The ratio of the power received at the end of the line to the power transmitted into the line is known as …………………………………… ………………………………… constitutes the last link in the external plant network from DP to subscriber premises.
____________ noise is present in all transmission media and is a function of temperature. Before providing Broadband service to a customer, measure insertion loss using ………. ………….noise is a primary source of error in digital data communication. A high level of NEXT indicates cable faults indicates cable faults …………………... Identify the last five pairs of a 800 pair PIJF cable. There are …………..units of…………pairs in 100 pair cable. There are …………..units of…………pairs in 400 pair cable. The colour of the 4th unit of a 100 pair cable……………… For jointing 100 pair cables………………….kit is used. Meggar used for cable jointing, works on the principle of ----
TSF I kit is used for jointing……………..and…………………cables …………….kit is used for jointing 200 pair cables. PCUT(Paper Core Unit Twin) is used for ………………………. PCQL(Paper Core Quad Local) is used for ……………………. . In LSDC, the insulation is ……………………. & sheath is ……………….. Pillars are numbered in ………digits DP numbering has…………digit ………..Cable is used for poleless connections. The colour of marker tape is ……. 40. …………………type wiring only is used in Krone type CT box.
These cables are used as the link between two exchanges to take large number of circuits and are called ……………. The material used as Moisture Barrier in jelly cable is ………. In BSNL to provide data services including Internet ……….technology is being used. The standard depth of trench for laying the cable in BSNL is ………. The width of the trench should be of …. cm. to ……cm. The principle used for the working of Cable fault localizer is …… The colour of the binding tape of second bunch in a 50 pair cable is …….. 4203 is the DP belonging to …….Pillar. The two purposes of the insulation are _________________ & ______________ The value of V/2 parameter of PIJF is _________
Sl no Protection Material 1. External jacket 2. Screen 3. Armour 4 Bedding 5. Filling compound 6 Conductor
The circuit between two exchanges in a local network is called …..… .……………. is the last cable termination point from where subscriber line is connected. The cable connecting Pillar and DP is called ………………………… In ducted cable system we use.. --------------------cables Entry of moisture into PIJF cables is prevented by filling …….. PCM cables are designed with a conductor diameter of ………..mm. A 1600 pair cable consist of. ------No of super units of ………….. Size. while selecting the route for laying cable ------------------ -----------route should selected. While crossing power cables the telecom cables should be laid at ---------------- ------- to the power cables. While crossing roads it should be ensure that --------------- should fall in between road crossing. The bending diameter should be minimum of---------- ------- ------------- time the diameter of the cable. The laying of telecom cables across railway crossing should be laid in -------------------- pipes.
The protective stone/ slabs which are placed over the cables after laying in the trench are called -------------- ---------------- and they help in preventing damages due to digging by other service utility personnel. Indicator kept at 200 m apart in the route of the cable is called ------------ The indicator kept at every joint place is called ------------. While crossing the power cables the telecom cables should be laid in solid for a distance of ------------ on either The jointing of pairs of one large size cable to two or more smaller size cables is called --------------- jointing. The jointing of one cable to another cable of same size is called ------------------- jointing. For jointing 100 pair PIJF cable conductors----------------number of UY connectors are required. For jointing conductors of bigger sizes of PIJF cables ------------pair module are used. Power induction in telecom lines is due to -------------- of power and telecommunication wires. At the crossing of power lines, telecom wires or cables should be crossed at almost ------------------ with sufficient vertical separation.
The PTCC clearance is to be obtained if the length of parallelism between telecom and power lines is -------------and above. The minimum vertical clearance between power and telecom line is --------. Ensure sheath continuity at -------------- and earthing at DP pillar and MDF. Ensure use of ------------------------ in the splice to avoid any possibility of ingress of moisture setting in to the joint of PIJF cables. While crossing power cables the telecom cables should be laid at right angles and should be laid in -----------------------. The quality of telecommunication circuit and signals are affected by the type of induction called ---------- Resistance/KM/conductor at 200C for a 0.50 mm conductor is …ohms/KM. Gas discharge Tubes are of --------------- restoring type. CRMS stands for------------------------ In case of PIJF cables ensure use of -------------- for pressing UY connectors for jointing the conductors instead of ordinary pliers to avoid break faults.
As far as possible, a single length of drop wire should be run from -------------------------up to maximum length of four spans Improper cable works and lack of Co-ordination with other public utility services result in cable ------------------------. Elimination of ----------------------in drop wire reduces high resistance faults. Gauges of …………..& ……………PIJF cable is used as distribution cable. Cabinets and pillars should be installed for more than ------------ line exchanges. In a local cable network where there are no cabinets and pillars then the network is called -------------------- system In a local cable network where there are Pillars only, the cable connected to DP and pillar is called-------------------- cable and the cable connected to pillar and Exchange MDF is called ----------------------- cable. The size of the module used in Krone type CT Box termination of underground cables at Pillar or cabinet is ------------- . No soldering, no screwing and no stripping of insulation is required for termination of cable pairs on a ----------------- type of termination points Service line is the portion of the ------------------------- from pole Mount DP to the terminating points.
Internal DP is the cable termination Point where underground cable is laid directly to the ------------------- The Inspection of ---------------------- consists of the inspections carried out by checking DPs / cabinet Pillars and subscriber lines. When the insulation between the earth and the conductor in test in a cable becomes very low the fault is called -------------------------- When the insulation between conductors in the cable or between the pairs or between pair and earth falls below a prescribed limit (normally 0.5 meg ohm) the fault is called -------------------------- When the Conductor is cut then the fault is called ----------------- The existence of potential, even when the circuit is idle or isolated from the potential of exchange and subscriber premises equipment then the fault is called ---------------------- The cable records are categorized into……………, …………… & ……………. This instrument is extensively used in all the cable maintenance sections for testing all types of faults which on Wheatstone Bridge principle is ---------------
Cable plan records gives …………………………………. In the locality. Line diagram shows ………………………. Cable should be laid at a distance of –----------- mts from the center of the NH. ………………… is used for heating the thermo shrink sheet. V/2 value of jelly filled cable is ………… PCM cables are used for …………... Expand the following PIJF DP DSL TSF MDF LJU