Animal Reproductive Systems
Male Reproductive System Major Organs Testicles Epididymis Scrotum Vas deferens Urethra Seminal Vesicle Prostate Gland Cowper’s Gland Penis
Male Reproductive System Sperm Male sex cell Also called spermatozoa Enter the epididymis Stored to mautre Testosterone Male hormone Causes appearance & behavior of animals to have masculine traits Scrotum Two-lobed sac Contains & protects the two testicles Regulates the temperature of the testicles
Male Reproductive System Vas deferens Serves as a transportation tube (epididymis urethra) Urethra Large muscular canal (urinary bladder penis) Seminal Vesicles Open into urethra to produce fluid Protects & transports sperm
Male Reproductive System Prostate Gland Produces semen (mixture of seminal & prostate fluids & sperm) Cowper’s Gland Produce fluid that moves down the urethra ahead of the seminal fluid. Penis Deposits semen within the female reproductive system
Male Reproductive System Copulation Mating Sigmoid Flexure & Retractor Muscle Extend penis from sheath (fold of skin) Glans Penis Tip of the penis Sensory organ
Female Reproductive System Major Organs Ovaries Oviducts Uterus Vulva Bladder Clitoris Vagina
Female Reproductive System Follicles Cavities where ova are produced Ova Eggs Female sex cell Oviducts or fallopian tubes Two tubes that carry ova from the ovaries to the uterus
Female Reproductive System Infundibulum Funnel shaped end of each oviduct nearest to the ovary Zygote Fertilized egg Uterus Y-shaped structure Consisting of the body, two uterine horns, & cervix.
Female Reproductive System Uterine Horn Where pregnancy occurs in most animals Parturition Birth Cervix Lower outlet of the uterus Gateway between the uterus and the vagina
Female Reproductive System Mucosal cells Make significant changes as animals goes from one estrous cycle to another during pregnancy (gestation) Vulva External opening of the reproductive & urinary systems Labia majora Two exterior folds of the vulva
Female Reproductive System Labia minora Two folds inside the labia majora Bladder Collects liquid waste (urine) Clitoris Sensory & erectile organ of the female Inside the vulva Same embryonic tissue as the penis Produces sexual stimulation during copulation
Female Reproductive System Vagina Female organ of copulation at mating and as the birth canal at parturition Passage between the cervix and the vulva