Roller Coaster Research Background Image Source: rollercoasterBackground.jpg rollercoasterBackground.jpg
Label the Roller Coaster Subsystems Train Chain Lift Track Main Support Structure Foundation Point What is a subsystem? (insert text) What is a system? (insert text)
Compare potential and kinetic energy.
Besides brakes, what slows a roller coaster down?
Source 1
Video Question: What is the purpose of the gear and chain assembly?
Video Question: How do some roller coasters use magnetic force?
Video: Machines! Roller Coasters!
Source 2
Explain why roller coasters need the force of gravity to work. Source:
What is the Law of Inertia and how does it apply to a football tossed across the field?
Source 3
What is the purpose of the chain dogs? Source:
When does a roller coaster train have the highest potential energy?
After the first big hill, why do the hill heights generally decrease?
Compare wooden and steel roller coasters.
Support the main idea with details from the text. Main Idea: Roller coasters are safe.