Delivering privacy and data protection messages in the world of drones Anne Russell Budapest Drones Conference 5 February 2015
Drones in the UK Already well established in places The public, the media, government, industry The future
The ICO Structure Staffing Approach
So what are we doing about drones? finding out more about them identifying the particular challenges liaising with stakeholders delivering messages
Finding out more about drones Understanding the technology Talking to practitioners Using existing expertise about surveillance technologies
What are the challenges? dexterity and visual capability control fair processing purpose third parties linking with other systems security enforcement
Stakeholder liaison Parliamentary interest Article 29 / liaison with other member states The Civil Aviation Authority (regulatory responsibility) Trade organisations The public Media enquiries Civil societies
What is the message? Understanding responsibilities Privacy by design PIAs / DPIAs
Delivering the message ICO CCTV code Q&As for the public ICO staff leaflets Conferences, panels Stakeholder meetings the media
ICO guidance ICO CCTV code of practice 2014 Drones Q&As for the public
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