SELECTED PUBLIC TECHNICAL- VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS SELECTED PUBLIC TECHNICAL- VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS (modelling schools) Generate research-based inputs with the end view of improving or enhancing the Senior High School implementation in SY
detect and correct operational problems before the curriculum’s wide-scale implementation through the carrying out of functions or roles, appropriate use of resources, and working based on a prescribed schedule.
2. As perceived by the key DepEd officials, teachers, students and key stakeholders, what is the extent of involvement of the different sectors in the Senior High School Modelling in the model schools: 2.1 business/industry; 2.2 CHED/HEI; 2.3 TESDA; 2.4 Local Government Units (LGU); and 2.5 Parents-Teachers Association (PTA)?
3. What is the attitude of the key officials, teachers, students, and other stakeholders towards K to 12? 5. What action steps maybe undertaken to improve the full implementation of Senior High School in SY based on the findings of the study?
*The Academic track includes four (4) strands: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM); General Academic; Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS); and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It is envisioned that after Senior High School, students are already prepared for employment, entrepreneurship, or middle-level skills development and can, thus, lead successful lives even if they do not pursue higher studies.
Survey Questionnaires
students Stratified random sampli ng
Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner) Experiential Learning Theory (David Kolbs)
2. Along extent of involvement in the SHSMP, the four categories of respondents assessed the involvement of the business/industry partners as moderately involved; on the other hand, the CHED/HEIs, TESDA, LGU, and PTA were assessed as highly involved. 3. DepEd key officials and teachers assessed the attitude of respondents towards K to 12 as “very favorable” and the stakeholders and the students assessed their attitude as “favorable”.
5.5 Along region/division technical assistance, the Regional Director should create “strong team of champions” of key officials from the region and from the schools division offices who are equipped with the new required leadership skills in hands on negotiation, communication, resource generation and mobilization and coordination skills.
5.7 Along buildable spaces, the school head should keep his School Development Plan updated to be able to determine if the school has enough buildable spaces or none. In case, there are no available buildable space, the school head needs to establish partnership with possible land donors which will serve as buildable spaces for the Senior High School.
1. The 18 modelling schools lack instructional materials, facilities and equipment, and laboratory workshops needed for the Senior High School. This is because the schools were not recipients of the one million subsidies released by DepEd. Moreover, the Senior High School was on its modelling stage, wherein schools just started with their existing resources.
4. Problems that were commonly and most felt by the SHSM implementers were: lack of school funding; lack of classrooms/buildings for the SHS; inadequate facilities and equipment and other support materials; inadequacy of teachers’ training; and absence/inadequate industry partners in the locality.