The END of the Cold War Soft Power : The Impact of Culture and Bold Personalities
Iron Maiden – Behind the Iron Curtain (1984) Video
Common Core Standards Reading Standards for Literacy in History Craft & Structure: (4) Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science. (6) Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts). CA Content Standards 10.9 Students analyze the international developments in the post- World World War II world. Analyze the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the weakness of the command economy, burdens of military commitments, and growing resistance to Soviet rule by dissidents in satellite states and the non-Russian Soviet republics.
Where do I start? I have already spent 6 weeks teaching the Cold War… Students are starting to get restless I start (THE END of C.W.) with the problems facing the USSR The Blueprint has a good lesson called “Developments Within the Soviet Union” Talks about the “cracks” in the system (social, economic, political, and environmental) My emphasis on “soft power” – that music had an important, yet under-appreciated role in the fall of communism – would add an additional layer to this narrative
Music as a form of soft power How Rock and Roll Brought Down the Soviet Union – articlearticle I would argue that rock music per se did not destroy Socialism, but the values and cultural practices related to obtaining this music contributed to the end of socialism. (Sergei Zhuk) Another example: How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin videovideo In June 1983 Konstantin Chernenko, then Minister of Ideology, announced to the Communist Party Central Committee that the rockers were causing ideological and aesthetic harm to the Soviet ideology. (Bushnell, P76). Swiftly the Soviet leadership repressed the rock community Analyzing a song from 1985 Sting – “Russians” videovideo Lecture: Introduce Gorbachev and his policies of glasnost and perestroika
The ‘Cult of Personality’: Reagan & Gorbachev video Gorbachev’s leadership changes everything…
Glasnost in action… Billy Joel – Bridge to Russia videovideo People’s Century (PBS): People Power episode (1989) People Power episode Start at 8:00
Russia today Musicians are still a thorn in the side of leadership. Putin jailed feminist punk rock band, Pussy Riot Video