Electronic Design Project and Skills 2 Kathleen Meehan
It’s Me Again Dr. Kathleen Meehan Kathleen_meehan (Skype) Kathleen.Meehan@glasgow.ac.uk I will be in Chengdu more this semester than last year. Email me to set up face-to-face office hours at lunch time and in the evening.
Grading Scheme The final grade in this course will be determined as follows: 50% Written Exam 40% Reports on project written and oral team reports individual laboratory record book peer and self assessment 10% Practical Skills Assessment
Course Format I will give a number of lectures at the beginning of the semester to present some of the new information that you will need for the design project. You have already learned some of the information that you will need to complete the design project in Analogue Electronics, Microelectronic Systems, Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis, and Embedded Systems. You will have to learn some of the new information on your own, though there will be notes provided to support you.
Electronic Project This semester, teams of four (4)* will design, construct, and characterise an electronic circuit that measures the pulse in a human and display the result. As part of this team, you will have to: Design the circuit, which will include analogue and digital design; Powered by a 9 V battery; Design a software program with the mbed; Lay out the printed circuit board (PCB); Construct and test the circuit on the PCB; Demonstrate that the circuit meets the design specifications. * There are two teams of 3 in Class 2.
Design Project Optical pulse meter Measure the pulse by measuring the reflection of light caused by the flow of blood in and out of a finger placed on top of a light-emitting diode and phototransistor. Determine the pulse rate, number of pulses per minute. Display the pulse rate.
Project Broken into design phases: The design is assessed using Analogue circuit Digital circuit PCB layout mbed software The design is assessed using team reports Analogue circuit design Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout Software Final report the final product Demonstration during the final presentation individual laboratory notebooks a short confidential report on the team and self performance
Timeline Due dates for the interim and final reports will be listed on Blackboard shortly. Electronic submission will be required. Make sure that you put all team members names and both UESTC and UoG ID numbers on all reports. Oral presentation and project demonstration is tentatively scheduled on the 26th and 27th of June, 2015. Scheduling will be done by class. Audience will be your fellow classmates, Dr. Kathleen Meehan, and likely one or two other UoG and/or UESTC teachers.
Bill of Materials (BOM) You will not have to search for components aside from resistors and capacitors for this project unless the team would like to add something to the design. Someone on the team will have to contribute an mbed microcontroller (or the team purchases an extra one for the design). However, the mbed will be plugged into an IC socket so it will not be permanently part of the pulse meter. Note that there will be another team design project in Year 3 where an mbed will also be required.
Laboratory Sessions THERE ARE NO LAB SESSIONS SCHEDULED! There will be laboratory assignments that you will need to do that will form the basis for the interim reports. You have to find free time with your team members to do the labs. You will have to schedule time with your team members to complete the project after you have submitted the interim reports. You will use the new computer lab on the 3rd floor of the Main Administration Building to lay out the printed circuit boards. You will use the 4th floor lab for the construction and characterisation of your circuits.
Lab Notebook Please ensure that you have a bound, A4 laboratory notebook for making notes, recording results and storing printouts. Loose-leaf refill pads or spiral notebooks are not acceptable. Include Your ideas for the project Intermediate and final circuit schematics, block diagrams, flowcharts, simulation results, measurements including images from an oscilloscope. Minutes from team meetings Each team member must act as the team scribe at least once during the semester, record the minutes from the meeting, distribute the minutes as an electronic file soon after the meeting has occurred. Minutes should list who was at the meeting, the date and time of the meeting, the name of the scribe, what actions were done since the last meeting, what actions will be done in the future, and any discussion that the scribe considers to be important related to the project.
Skills The skills that you will learn and apply during this semester are: Document the activities that you and your team do while working on the project. Rotating responsibility of Team Scribe. Simulate a circuit that you and your team designed using the professional version of OrCAD Pspice. Use OrCAD to layout a printed circuit board. Document the design project in interim and final technical reports. Make an oral presentation on the design project.
Team Formation Kathleen Meehan will create the teams from the class rosters. It is up to you: to locate your team members. to make sure that you participate on the design, construction, programming and characterisation (testing) of the circuit. It is up to you to have proper records in your individual lab notebooks. to contribute to the team reports. to participate in the interim reviews and oral presentation.
Commitment Regularly attends group meetings Is prepared for each group meeting Follows up on ideas and suggestions from previous meetings Reports findings and experimental results to group Contributions Offers helpful ideas and suggestions that contribute to problem solving Regularly participates in design, construction, and debug processes Participates in the writing of the reports and presentation materials Documented activities as team scribe Time Management Completes assigned work in a timely and acceptable manner Helps set team goals and schedule Group Effectiveness Works well with other members on the team Works to make all members part of the team Is respectful of contributions by others on the team Helps ensure that all team members participate in decisions made Ratings scale is (0) Never, (1) Seldom (2) Sometimes (3) Often (4) Always
Team Work All team members may not be able to contribute to all parts of the project at all times because of skills and other time commitments. However, team members should inform the other members of the team when time conflicts arise. All team members should make sure that their contributions over the entire project are equal to the others’ contributions. All team members should strive to make the project a success. Teams can achieve more than what can be done when one person at a time contributes. http://classroom-assessment-theory-into-practice.wikispaces.com/file/view/group.jpg/261609254/316x385/group.jpg