A World of Thanks
One by one we come together, and the good in ev’ry day arm in arm or hand in hand. Saying thanks for all the best things in our lives, and the good in ev’ry day in ev’ry land. and the good in ev’ry day in ev’ry land.
ShoKran, Merci, Gracias, Xie-Xie. Toda, Tusen takk. Obrigado, arigato.
and the good in ev’ry day One by one we come together, arm in arm or hand in hand. Saying thanks for all the best things in our lives, and the good in ev’ry day in ev’ry land.
Asante, Spasibo. Dankeschon, Dankuwel. Mahalo, Efharisto. Makasih, Dojeh.
to the friendly folks we know, Wherever we may go to the friendly folks we know, We say thanks.
and the good in ev’ry day One by one we come together, arm in arm or hand in hand. Saying thanks for all the best things in our lives, and the good in ev’ry day in ev’ry land. We say thanks!