Programme session 7 Presentation by Kaobari Matikarai, SPC Statistics for Development Division INDICATORS SOURCED FROM DEMOGRAPHIC HEALTH SURVEY (DHS)
Outline 1. Brief history of Macro type DHS in the Pacific; 2. DHS standard objectives; 3. DHS standard instruments; 4. Key indicators;
1. Macro type DHS in the Pacific PNG 1996 and 2006 SPC/ADB/Macro DHS Pilot countries: ◦ Solomon Islands 2006/2007 ◦ Marshall Islands 2007 ◦ Tuvalu islands 2008 ◦ Nauru 2008 Samoa 2009 and 2014
1. Macro type DHS in the Pacific SPC support ◦ Kiribati 2009 ◦ Tonga 2012 ◦ Vanuatu DHS-MICS 2013 Future DHS in the Pacific Solomon 2 nd round DHS/MICS in 2015 Fiji islands DHS/MICS 2015
2. Standard DHS Objectives: Institutional capacity building at the NSO. The capacity of the NSO to plan, conduct, process, analyse and disseminate data from complex, large-scale surveys such as the DHS is strengthened; Providing estimates of intercensal population size and growth at the national, as well as lower levels where appropriate. Providing information on the basic demographic characteristics and processes of the population at the national and lower levels where appropriate; Obtain the following information: ◦ reproductive health, fertility preferences and family planning of the population; ◦ access to and use of health services and facilities; ◦ health status of the population, particularly mother and child health; and Contributing to the ever-expanding international database on demographic and health related indicators.
3. DHS Standard Instruments: Three Questionnaires are administered – questionnaires based on the model questionnaire for low contraceptive prevalence countries from the international DHS programme of USAID and contracted to MACRO International Inc. 1. Household questionnaire (all selected hhds) 2. Woman questionnaire (women 15-49) 3. Man questionnaire (men 15+)
3. DHS Standard Instruments: In the Household questionnaire, the following are collected: 1.Demographic information of household usual members and visitors (age, sex, marital status, education, etc) 2.Survivorship and residence of children’s biological parents, mother and primary care of child, birth registration of children aged 0-4 years 3.Birth registration (children 0-5years) 4.Disability (5 years and over) – DHS/MICS 5.Child labour (5-14 years), child discipline (1-14 years) – DHS/MICS 6.Health expenditure – (Tonga DHS) 7.Housing/household characteristics (sanitation, no.of rooms, etc) 8.Bio-measurements & anaemia test for children aged 0-5 years, women and measurement of men aged 15 years and over
3. DHS Standard Instruments: Woman’s Questionnaire collects information on: 1.Woman’s demographic information (age, sex, marital status, education, etc) 2.Reproduction (no. of children, alive and dead, etc) 3.Contraception (knowledge, use, source, discontinuation, cost, etc…) 4.Pregnancy and post natal care (no.of antenatal care, place of birth, etc) 5.Child immunization and health; child and woman’s nutrition 6.Marriage and sexual activity 7.Fertility preferences 8.Husband’s background and work 9.HIV/AIDS –knowledge and stigma, STIs 10.Malaria 11.Other health issues - Tuberculosis, smoking, injections, drug use, salt usage, etc… 12.Women’s income and empowerment
3. DHS Standard Instruments: Man questionnaire collects information on: 1.Man’s demographic information (age, sex, marital status, education, etc) 2.Reproduction (no. of children, alive and dead, etc) 3.Contraception (knowledge, use, source, discontinuation, cost, etc…) 4.Marriage and sexual activity 5.Fertility preferences 6.Husband’s background and work 7.HIV/AIDS –knowledge and stigma, STIs 8.Malaria 9.Other health issues - Tuberculosis, smoking, injections, drug use, salt usage, etc…
3. DHS Standard Instruments: Other modules which can be included in the questionnaires includes: 1.Domestic violence (included in Nauru 2008 DHS and Tuvalu DHS 2007) 2.Maternal mortality (included in the two PNG DHSs) 3.Environmental health 4.Others….
4. Key indicators from Vanuatu DHS – MICS 2013
4. DHS results and indicators Figure 1. Knowledge and current use of any family planning methods among all women aged years
4. DHS results and indicators Figure 1. Teenage pregnancy and childbearing - proportion of women aged years who had begun childbearing
4. DHS results and indicators Figure 3. Proportion of women aged years who had births in the last five years with the type of antenatal care