WFAU Science Archives WFAU Demonstration Nick Cross, Rob Blake, Ross Collins, Mike Read, Eckhard Sutorius, Mark Holliman, Stellios Voutsinas, Dave Morris 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Using the WFAU Archives 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS Coverage Maps Archive Listing GetImage / MultiGetImage Region Cross ID (now includes Synoptic Source) Freeform SQL (enhanced) ADQL
WFAU Archives - Information Data Overview Schema Browser + Glossary SQL cookbook Monitor page Release history Known Issues Publications – Hambly et al. (2008), Cross et al. (2009), Cross et al. (2012) 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
VSA – schema browser 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Coverage Maps 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Archive Listing 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Get Image 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Cross ID 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS Survey table parameters Input file: Novae from Strobe et al Suggested formats Use crossID match file in queries with vvvVariability to get variability stats for VVV light-curves of 16 sources 93 Novae, find 16 good matches to vvvSource.
Freeform SQL Examples Selecting transients Viewing light curves Using X-match tables Using user generated tables – MAR enhancements Use COUNT_BIG(*) – necessary for tables with > 2G rows – e.g. vvvDetection, vvvTilePawprints, vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch – vhsDetection, gpsDetection 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Provenance and data links. All the data is linked to its antecedants and to the curation processes Image Provenance: – Tile –> Stack –> Normal. – DeepTile –> DeepStack –> Stack –> Normal Catalogue Provenance – vvvSource –> vvvDetection –> MultiframeDetector -> Multiframe – vvvVariability –> vvvSourceXDetectionBestMatch –> vvvDetection … vvvDetection (tiles) -> vvvTilePawprints -> vvvDetection (pawprints) RequiredTile –> ProgrammeFrame -> Multiframe vvvSource -> vvvSourceXwise_allskysc -> WISE..wise_allskysc SchemaBrowser is useful – primary and foreign key constraints. – Papers discuss data model design, and show ERMs connecting different tables. 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
Selecting transients 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS Use variability stats to select sources with point sources with mag>2 with >=6 epochs, 13<Ks<18 in cleaner pointings. Get mean, ampl, nEpochs, colours. Load results into TOPCAT (H-Ks) vs Ks for ~20000 transients
Light curves 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS Light curve params Join tables Variability parameter selection as temporary table
X-matching Neighbour tables include all matches out to a joinCriterion (see RequiredNeighbours) Simple Options: – Nearest match only (out to a particular radius) – All matches in a radius SchemaBrowser lists available neighbour tables, e.g. vvvSourceXDR4gpsSource 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS
X-matching 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS wise_allskysc in separate DB, WISE, need prefix “WISE..”
Enhanced Queries 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS Use CrossID form Output to VO table/ FITS file Load up table of matches as #userTable – used as a standard table
3D Extinction Maps 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS Function to get nearest pixel Fast CROSS APPLY SOON matched table Filter extinction coefficients Select extinction at 8.5kpc Select certain variables within 1<l<2.5, -0.5<b<1
30th March 2015MW Astrophysics from WF Surveys18 Galactic Plane and Bulge from VISTA and WFCAM VVV + GPS mosaic ~ 1 billion stars Useful for finding nebulae / clusters Produce team only ones for VMC. Not completely automated yet.
Suggestions Understand DB design – see main papers: – Hambly et al. (2008), Cross et al. (2009, 2012) – How the data are linked (ERM diagrams). Use the schema browser to understand attributes, and SQL cookbook if new. Freeform-SQL and TOPCAT is very powerful. Ask us at Range of technical and scientific support. 30/03/2015MWAWFS - RAS